The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Fleabag #5 lol


I do like The Sopranos and The Simpsons as the top 2. Iā€™m not even the biggest Sopranos fan, but hard to ignore the impact it made.

I need to watch a zombie tv series like I need another hole in my head, but Pedro Pascal and the girl that played Lyanna Mormont? Yeah, ok. Iā€™m in.



Why does Laena suicide herself by dragon?

She is going to die anyway (thatā€™s what happened in medieval times when a birth failed). The dragon is just a badass way to go out.

That was a bad ep I thought. The actress swap was jarring and the pacing is neck-breakingly uneven, like they spent 3 eps of character development and now weā€™re on full fast-forward mode, it feels like.

For non-book readers (and I donā€™t know this story very well myself, I have a vague idea what happens) I would guess that this entire first season will be setup and that after this the timejumps will stop.

Casa del Dragon In theory thereā€™s nothing wrong with a time jump and changing actors. It was simply done very poorly here.


I donā€™t think Iā€™m spoiling anything by saying that Viserys dies at some point, which leads to a struggle over the Iron Throne. In keeping with how GoT was run, I expect him to die in episode 9 and for the season to end with establishing the new status quo in episode 10. The whole timeline for the first season was dictated by getting to Viserys presumably dying in the 9th episode and choices were made on how best to compact that information. I donā€™t think they did a horrible job of working within that constraint. Certain characters needed to die, get married, or give birth in a certain order, spaced out evenly over the episodes.

Speaking of, as much as I loved Walking Dead for a few seasons and am, of course, proud and excited to have been a zombie on it, boy oh boy, have they dragged out the final season. I understand some of it is because of COVID, but I basically forgot that there were still a few more episodes coming up this fall.

I try to avoid commenting on these lists, but this is both wrongheaded and lazy. I think you can make a genuine case for Sopranos and Simpsons, but Breaking Bad at 3 is both predictable and undefensible. Blah blah blah. Knee jerk reaction is that Twilight Zone should be #1, although its not a serial so perhaps not in the spirit of things. But certainly should be in the top 10.

Jesus Christ the US Office are you kidding. An inferior knock off that didnt even make sense, Iā€™m not a huge TV dude but any of us could name 100 better shows.

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Where the fuck is Chernobyl? And Planet Earth? What the shit?


Hotd reminded me of when they changed aunt vivians on fresh prince and they explained it by saying a womanā€™s facial features change during childbirth and I was a young child watching the show at the time and I thought thatā€™s actually what happens.

Anyway it turns out it used to happen hundreds of years ago too


I havenā€™t watched either, but Chernobyl is supposed to be great and Planet Earth, I believe, is just a really cool, beautiful isnā€™t-nature-and-this-planet wonderful show.

lol wut

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Obviously this types of lists are just fun think pieces made for clicks. Clearly not everyone is going to agree on things.

this is very correct tho

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I could understand if Planet Earth type stuff doesnā€™t qualify as eligible; it is very different than everything on the list.

But Chernobyl not making the top 100 is completely insane.


Oh, I thought you said ā€œwhat the fuck,ā€ not ā€œwhere the fuck,ā€ hence why I quickly explained them. :slight_smile:

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Original Star Trek being better than Star Trek: The Next Generation is a take in itself, but TNG not even making the list is pretty amazing.

Also Game of Thrones still being punished at #31. Watchmen, 30 Rock, the Leftovers, Parks and Recreation, and something called ā€œFreaks and Geeksā€ all ahead of it.

These kinds of lists are just lazy clickbait designed to make people mad.

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You should watch Chernobyl for sure. Itā€™s especially interesting given the culture of lies and corruption weā€™re seeing in the Russian military now.

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Chernobyl is incredible.