The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Already a Gollum game in the works, don’t think Amazon is affiliated. Also I think there were like two games recently featuring Celebrimbor from some other publisher.

It will probably be more traffic than the pro wrestling thread while the show is airing.

What about a genre television containment thread for SF/F shows?

What’s better?
  • New separate threads for Rings of Power and House of the Dragon
  • A single thread for Rings of Power, House of the Dragon, and similar shows
  • Keep all television here in this thread

0 voters

Prequels are so brutal. Most of the new SW content is a prequel to something we’ve already seen. Now HOTD and ROP.

You’ve got an end already written. If you try to spin in a surprise it usually sounds a very false tone with the viewers.

Doesn’t sound like a good option in case people are caught up with one and not the other.

The reason I suggested it is so that this thread wouldn’t look like this for many posts in a row:

spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler

Im against splitting it because although I’m not likely to watch the new LOTR series any time soon, this thread does serve as a barometer for me (the spoilers dont make sense so I can read them without fear) on whether I will eventually watch it. If you split it into another thread, zero chance I ever read a single post in there.

I dont think its a huge problem to have spoilers but best if you remember to head a post with a cleartext heading of what show it’s about. Takes about 5 seconds to do all that to a post and about 0.5 seconds to click each post you’re interested in, so I don’t think it’s massively inefficient and kind of agree with jmakin that I like being able to gauge sentiment on a show I haven’t started watching yet such as RoP.

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For people interested in actual new content and not boring retreads, I am really enjoying Reservation Dogs. Anyone else?

I don’t think the new actors on HOTD are bad or anything. Show still has potential, but I had very low expectations going in that I’ve managed to retain.

How about 2 TV threads? One that’s spoiler free and one where every show can be spoiled at any time.

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I’ve been meaning to try that. I have a Native friend who said that he knew a lot of people similar to the characters when he was around that age.


With so many shows in one thread, just put the name outside of the spoiler.

I’ve actually been enjoying S2 even more than S1 of Rez Dogs. One aspect of the show that seems odd is that the parents’ cohort all seem interested in sex and in hooking up, whereas these bored, restless teens seem to have no interest in hooking up with each other or in finding other teens to hook up with.

Finished S5 of Cobra Kai. Expected the show to fall off considerably, but the writers continue to bring new levels of absurdity and awesomeness. Can’t wait to see what S6 will bring.


Hell yeah I’m ready for this


Re: hotd and the actor change,
I haven’t read the prequel books and may be wrong but maybe if the show is set to span a long period there will be frequent time jumps ? In which case it makes sense to recast at several points. Otherwise in case we stay in the same period until the end of the show, I agree that they should just have used make-up, as it is very distracting…

(At this point I think the show is terrible anyway, the plot is way too thin and not that interesting…feels like a terrible way to burn 1billion dollars)

It was the most watched HBO premiere ever and has 30 million viewers a week.

Right, and even though I find it very boring, I have a hard time imagining me ever quitting the show. But that has more to do with GOT nostalgia than the qualities of the show, and certainly nothing to do with the high budget (as I said before I think the show looks horrible, and it’s not like the cast is full of famous names…)

Anyway I should have just said “spend” instead of “burn”, as I didn’t mean it from HBO’s business pov (which I don’t care too much about) I meant that as a viewer I would prefer this money go to projects with higher artistic (or at least entertaining) qualities.

Game shows, talk shows, and miniseries qualify, btw.

Rolling Stone’s top ten:

  1. The Sopranos
  2. The Simpsons
  3. Breaking Bad
  4. The Wire
  5. Fleabag
  6. Seinfeld
  7. Mad Men
  8. Cheers
  9. Atlanta
  10. The Mary Tyler Moore Show

Ranking that shocked me the most:

34. The Office (US) - way too low

I have been in one of the top 100, which makes me a pretty fantastic person.