The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

it’s called the national SOCIALIST party, IDOIT!

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Devil in Ohio

I liked the premise of a satanic cult that keeps to themselves with esoteric practices etc. Big flop on the ending though.


Trashy Aussie Sexy Sorta Supernatural Soap Opera. Fun!


Overall the show is working for me but it’s missing that special oomp that GOT had, but that whole segment was very well shot, executed, and acted.

They finally show Daemon’s wife and she’s 100% amazing so of course she’s killed off immediately (supposedly)

I finally watched it all the way through, and yea that’s a very good scene. little confused why loverboy killed the gay paramour. Maybe he was worried about the secret getting out? anyway this series is really a lot better than I expected.will be bummed when viserys bites it, that guy is giving an incredible performance

Re HotD

My theory is that Ser Criston wanted to keep the secret from getting out and thought the creepy gay dude was hitting on him and hinting that some fun in the bedroom would help keep him quiet.

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Atlanta S4E1

Pretty good. The surrealism worked in the episode’s favor.

Industry was good. Once again begging for a Yasmin spin off!

5 episodes into funnyman steve carrell’s new show The Patient and it’s not that funny. honestly not one laugh yet from me. i was expecting something like the office, but it’s a psychiatrist’s office. or at least space force, i mean come on.


zero bagger?

Reserving judgement for now, but Steve Carrell: you’ve been warned. I better get some laughs next episode



They are also doing a good job of creating sexual tension between Criston and Alicent. She is jealous of the sexual freedom that Rhaenyra has versus her own situation/marriage and also emphasizes with him being coerced by Rhaenyra.

I thought he killed the other guy because he didn’t want the secret to get out. Since they are writing his character as a softie (besides the brutal murder) - homophobia doesn’t really play. Also, homophobia hasn’t been a very common theme in the GOT universe, has it?


It’s amazing how much different sober Rob is from Party Rob. It’s like an entirely different person

I’ve rewatched White Lotus three times now. Such a good weekend binge.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


I would watch 8 seasons of Ser Cristo’s hair in various landscapes

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The Simmons podcast tonight has a section on what they didn’t include in the Donaghy Netflix doc

Didn’t s3 ended a few months ago ? That’s unusually fast (not complaining!)

Re : hotd^, someone itt said before the show started that they were going in with zero expectations, and I wish I could trick my brain into doing this. It’s just hard not to think of early seasons of Got to which this show compares very unfavorably. I also think the general look of the show is horribly ugly (even the sea looks yellow…).
(Agree that the Matt Smith scenes in last ep were good though)

^ my phone insists in correcting this to “hotdog” btw

I’m sure one of the superfans can help us out here, but I’m pretty sure Renly and Loras were in the closet. And probably due to at least mild homophobia, if not more than that.

The Faith of the Seven opposes homosexuality. It seems like it’s not necessarily illegal but may be the cause of social ostracism, so my guess is that it is closeted among the nobility–people know it exists like heterosexual male trips to the brothel and it is frowned upon, but perhaps tolerated by some so long as it’s discreet and doesn’t interfere with producing heirs–and perhaps more open among the lower classes who can’t afford shame but still often hidden because of intolerant people with rough manners who dislike homosexuality for religious or non-religious reasons.

this seems correct to me but maybe fellow book nerds can contradict me - it seems the traditions of Westeros are not overly concerned about sexuality, as much as they are the male/female power dynamic. I’m pretty sure in the books I remember reading about Dornish characters who were openly bisexual or gay and it was not a problem at all. I don’t think homophobia is really a big part of that world.i do really like the got fiction because it always presents these clearly superior women that are artificially held down by society. brie is a good example. it never seems to much care about gays.