The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Liking HOTD so far.

Just watched first episode of Andor and shrug. Fine.

Also, there are a ton of I think you should leave fans here. I love Connor O’Malley and used to watch The Chris Gethard show but never saw episodes he was on. His bits are so fucking funny.

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Connor’s YouTube channel is insane

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15 minutes into Andor. Disney trying to be edgy

We have veiled references to the sex trade, an out right execution by our “good guy” with a fake alibi afterwards.


I thought it was supposed to be a psychological thriller?

Not sure why we’re spoilering this but the attitude to homosexuality in Westeros matches the attitude in real world Middle Ages Europe; that is, that homosexual acts were considered immoral in common with all other non-procreative sex, but were not exceptional within that category. “Homosexual” as an identity was not conceived of; gay sex was simply seen as something people did sometimes, certainly something to be tsk-tsked at, but not any more than, say, adultery.

Dorne is a special case. Sexual morality in general there is a lot looser than the rest of Westeros.

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How about Essos? More like Dorne, I assume.

Essos is a disparate collection of cultures and from memory I don’t think a lot is known about sex there in the books, but there’s no Faith of the Seven so that would help. Daenerys has sex with one of her handmaidens and it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of shame associated with this. There’s a place called the Summer Isles which I’m not sure is mentioned in the show and they have a libertine culture where sex of all kinds is celebrated.


Wait, what happened again? I thought the big pitch was that Harper had Jesse, but now Harper got fired so wtf was the point of Eric’s pitch to the boss?

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Just finished the episode and said the same thing, I was so salty that Rishi was getting canned fuck Harper

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I watched Andor and I am enoying it so far.

Re Industry

I don’t think the show did a great job of explaining it, but my read was that the Harper= Jesse pitch was more valuable when they were selling themselves to other banks and needed to show that they could bring a big client with them.
If they are staying at Pierpoint, Jesse is nice to have, but may not be as mission critical b/c the remainder of the Pierpoint squad has enough other business to keep the new leaner group financially viable. Also, between the insider trading, the lack of a college degree and the soon to be lack of a UK work permit, after Eric turns on Harper, she probably can’t take a trading job anywhere else. So, even if they need Jesse, Eric might think that they’ll have a chance to keep some of his business.

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White supremacy is the good kind of socialism though.

There are also some hints in the show that Jesse and Eric have been closer / colluding in the background. Early in the season there is a scene where they are all up at the hunting lodge and Harper confronts Eric about a mysterious conversation and she wants to know who he was talking to and Eric blows her off. The last episode includes a cryptic line where Jesse tells Gus something like “make sure you let them know where you went to school” which kind of hints at his partnering with Eric to eventually push Harper out on her transcript BS. Finally, the evolution of Jesse’s relationship with Gus suggests that Jesse may have also been part of a scheme with Gus’s politician boss to have Gus tip off Harper, have Gus’s politician boss promoted, and then Gus gets fired and falls into Jesse’s lap. All of these things are more hinted at than explicitly stated, so maybe it’s all just my imagination running wild. But it is clear that the whole season’s plot turns on Jesse being manipulative and controlling people and getting exactly what he wants. If you want to REALLY run down the rabbit hole with me, one might wonder if Jesse’s presence in Harper’s hotel at the start of the season (a hotel that he acknowledges is below his lifestyle standards) was purely coincidental. Or was it move number one in a season long complex scheme by both Eric and Jesse? Maybe this whole theory blows up on closer inspection but I am going to choose to believe in the grand Eric/Jesse conspiracy theory.

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I didn’t get that from that exchange. I thought it was Jesse expressing the sardonic American meritocratic attitude towards British class system, where what schools you went to is more important than what you do.

Finally, the evolution of Jesse’s relationship with Gus suggests that Jesse may have also been part of a scheme with Gus’s politician boss to have Gus tip off Harper, have Gus’s politician boss promoted, and then Gus gets fired and falls into Jesse’s lap. All of these things are more hinted at than explicitly stated, so maybe it’s all just my imagination running wild. But it is clear that the whole season’s plot turns on Jesse being manipulative and controlling people and getting exactly what he wants. If you want to REALLY run down the rabbit hole with me, one might wonder if Jesse’s presence in Harper’s hotel at the start of the season (a hotel that he acknowledges is below his lifestyle standards) was purely coincidental. Or was it move number one in a season long complex scheme by both Eric and Jesse? Maybe this whole theory blows up on closer inspection but I am going to choose to believe in the grand Eric/Jesse conspiracy theory.

Unlike what I said above I think this is possible. My take on it though is that the show does show that Harper’s relationship with Jesse is a lot of contingent than she says to outsiders, and Eric knows. Jesse’s relationship with her though is much more transactional. He’s willing to freeze her out and ignore her. Eric knows all this, but when they’re trying to land somewhere else he’s willing to play along, but once he’s got a position and Harper is even more drama, he’s willing to put his thumb on the scale to push her out. I’ve got to imagine the powers that be at Pierpoint asked him about Bloom and Harper and he insinuated it wasn’t as sure of a thing as they imaged.

I do like the Eric Bloom conspiracy though. It would be a pretty good trick to use her to get back his old job and then cut her out.

To add a bit of mystery, how did Rishi keep his job? I mean it’s probably for casting reasons, but I would like to add a bit more to the conspiracy angle where Rishi did something to get cut back in. I mean Eric just offhandly says that they found the headcount to keep him?

Just to layer on this and some of my silly theories, the writers of the show have acknowledged in interviews that they delight in planting ambiguous statements that can be read multiple ways and there’s no way to know what is correct. So I don’t think there is a definitive yes/no on a lot of these things.




Finally finished Cobra Kai. So ridiculous, yet so good.

The really went all out digging up cast members from the original trilogy. Bonus points for taking the Better Call Saul approach and taking some random name some dude said and turning into someone major plot points are based on.

just an update, my wife is now spending money to keep watching this shit, fucking kill me, I am now a peacock subscriber

season one aired in 2018? and they actually had a like 4 minute scene where the metrosexual lawyer son is CONFUSED by a coffee shop with espresso, this bit is from like 2002 yall.