The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I have a Chrome extension that highlights and skips the ads automatically (AdBlock for YouTube). This includes sponsor ads done in-video by the YouTuber as well.

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Speaking of Cobra Kai, Sony has me on edge. They announced a 2024 Karate Kid mainline movie. Ive obviously enjoyed Cobra Kai immensely, but Sony’s movie division has not garnered anything to be excited about for years now. Lets hope they dont ruin shit

Using the web without an ad blocker is intolerable. idk how people do it.


It never occurred to me that Google would allow you to block their Youtube ads since this is an actual service they sell and there is no real comparable competition.

Counterpoint: When I heard Netflix was making a Karate Kid show I just assumed it would be a terrible nostalgia grab.

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Well you’ve got 2/3 of those descriptors correct. And while I’d agree it’s not terrible, they’re were flirting with it at times.

Counter to the counter: it started on Youtube red and was EPed by both Zabka and Macchio, so i actually expected them to put some heart into it

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Thought S5 of Cobra Kai was fantastic. I’m shocked at how much I love this series. It’s far from perfect but very effective imo. Grew up in the 80s so it tracks that I love it. One thing that throws me off is the random f bombs throughout lmao. I have no problem with language or explicit content generally but they feel out of place in Cobra Kai

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Finally watching Hacks. Three episodes in and I like it a lot.

If you watch lots of YouTube a premium subscription is a must. Removes all ads.

An ad blocker also removes all youtube ads. It improves the rest of the internet quite a bit as well.

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Interesting I didn’t know that. Wish it worked on tv app as I watch YouTube on tv 99% of the time.

cobra kai is so good

this already delivers. 20 mins in, johnny gives robby $12 cash to make it back from mexico to the states. hahahaha

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Need spoilers.

Don’t want to ruin the magic for everyone else.

Jesus fucking god


Did they rrally just do a fucking character A says vagueties to character B about character D and C but character B thinks character A is talking about B and C so he blurts his guilt without knowing what the fuck shes talking about?

Fucking seriously? What years is this, 1942?

Works only on a browser though, not the mobile app.

lol i still like it i don’t know why

Howard Shore just whips ass. Like 65% of this new rings show is being carried on the back of his soundtrack, he’s on some John Williams shit. Honestly, he never got the credit he deserved for making the Jackson movies so special. Shire theme had me hooked immediately when I first saw Fellowship in the theater.

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I don’t see the problem with this?