The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I’m not sure she’s a good actress, but I find her very likable / watchable. I think she’s a good foil for the two elderly gentlemen. My wife told me that her role was originally going to be Diane Keaton.

Oh man, I would have enjoyed Keaton sooooooo much better

I’m somewhere between you and goofy on this. It’s OK.

Definitely agree that Selena isn’t exactly the best actress.

I think she fits really well in Only Murders. She’s the straight man, so to speak, so her sort of flat acting style/voice works.


this makes so much sense

why did she back out?

everyone is just in love with all kinds of vocal fry right now. can’t wait for the fad to go away

Best Rings episode so far. No twee proto-hobbit stuff.


Twee Hobiits are the heart and soul of the LoTR trilogy.

Just started Cobra Kai S5. At this point I’d have to say it’s objectively bad, but I still love it.

Yah pretty much. It’s silly, but at least you want to keep watching, and Silver is a pretty elite villain. But I still maintain that the Larussos are the main villains.

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lol the larussos are assholes

The wife isnt bad. But yeah everyone else in that family including the grandma and cousins are awful

Seriously, they’re winning me over. Enjoying it quite a bit, not up to immensly so far but potential to get there. The actress who portrays Galadriel is very good imo. And not gonna lie, the scenary being just awesome definitely helps. My choir-singing wife is also in completely awe of the music and singers.

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Youtube ads are getting fucking out of control.


That’s the magic of the series. It’s corny. It’s absurd. And you can’t stop watching.

On a related note, I never watched KK3 and feel like I’m missing tons of references. Thoroughly enjoying regardless, but should I go back and watch?

For web-based YT, a good ad blocker will relieve you of your pain.


You can ad block the ads in the videos without paying for premium?

Oh shit, I wonder if they know that I just cancelled Youtube Premium a month ago, so they are going to fucking bombard me with the same shitty ads every 30 seconds until I give up and resubscribe. Fuckers.

I don’t have premium but I do have an ad blocker, and I never see an ad.

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Wow, thanks! I am surprised that Youtube doesn’t have a way to detect that you have the browser extension and I guess it is on the chrome store anyways… Odd.

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100% yes. KK3 is completely absurd as well. But you have to watch it. I’d recommend to anyone who saw the first two even if Cobra Kai was never made. But if you’re going to watch CK, then watching KK3 beforehand is a very good idea.

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