The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

The age of the main lead is getting hard to justify leading missions like Mars. Have to be mid 50s in the 90s.

Yeah I truly canā€™t get over how good this show is.

Really not liking the stalker storyline. This whole subplot sucks

Iā€™m really liking the GOT prequel show so far. Wtf

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Having a hard time figuring out if there are any characters I am rooting for in House of the Dragon. Maybe Alicent?

The dragons


HOTD really good so far I think. I was all lined up to hate it, but whatcha gonna do. I am like a minor league ASOIAF nerd.

One of the things I was skeptical about when HBO announced a Dance of the Dragons based prequel was the lack of anyone to root for. If you think both sides are unlikable now, you ainā€™t seen nothing yet.

I thought the second episode was a bit better than the first. I havenā€™t read the books and donā€™t know the story (other than where these houses are in GoT). It feels like itā€™s building to something that could be good, but itā€™s a bit slower to get off the ground than GoT was. Thereā€™s some fairly awful characters (Will this king just fucking die already) but some good ones as well. This could still be pretty good.

Iā€™m really liking Dr. Who Targaryen so far.

Oh shit, thats who that is. It was fucking nagging my brainstem but couldnt place him.

The king is fine. He seems like one of the nicer people in the story and just isnā€™t cut out to be king. Everyone just seems to be a bunch of humorless dicks.

He also makes me think of this guy.

I mean, he essentially just made the same mistake Ned did for no good reason. He just has no clue how to play the game (which is seemingly the only way George knows how to kick off a plot like this)

No spoiler tags less than 24 hours from air kinda sucks tbh

Sorry, spoilered.

donā€™t remember where I read this and I donā€™t consider this a spoiler (and Iā€™m not a bookreader fwiw) but someone said it takes HOT D five or six whole episodes to ā€œget the pieces on the chessboard.ā€

Agree that show has gotten off on a good foot, and man the look of the show is really sumptuous and convincing, but wouldnā€™t be surprised if this post from upthread ends up getting a lot right, for better and for worse

The source material is pretty bare-bones, you know, so and so married this person and went here and led a battle against this dude and so on. My fear for the show was that it would end up being empty spectacle, just a series of dragons and fights and battles and stuff that we donā€™t care about because they havenā€™t established characters.

Instead of that, the most common criticism if you look on metacritic is that it moves too slowly and thereā€™s too much of people sitting in rooms talking to each other. But as long as the writing and acting is good enough to make that interesting, and I think it is so far, then Iā€™m all for it.

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i like how this time theyā€™re starting out with multiple fully-grown dragons already as major parts of the show. so they have to tease and hypeā€¦ crabs

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Iā€™m not really an animated guy but decided to watch this based on the recommendations itt.

Holy fuck that first episode! I may be binging this! :grin:

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Itā€™s by the guy who did Samurai Jack which is very similar.

Last season was quite good for a revival of a somewhat kids show.

Never heard of Samuria jack but just watched episode two of Primal. This show is elite. The drama they get with zero dialogue is amazing.