The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

If you’re looking for a sober treatise on duty to kingdom and family and the mechanics of primogeniture — something more like “Game of Thrones” in its first season, before it leaned into the spectacle and the budgets got astronomical — you’re in luck.

Kind of a stupid review. It’s bad because it’s most similar to the best season of GoT?

Totally lost interest in Barry in the middle of season 3 and never bothered to finish it and don’t think I will. Season 1 was pretty amazing but it seemed to lose sheen slowly but surely after that.

I’m gonna try to avoid got 2 spoilers and binge the full season in a few months, but ofc I read the wiki summaries already and hopefully they don’t follow all of that so I didn’t spoiler myself on a few key events. Or maybe I’ll forget.

Watched first episode of The Rehearsal. Feel like I’m missing something because I’m not understanding the hype at all.

Do I need to stick with it a couple more episodes? Am I out of the loop because I never saw Nathan For You? Is it just not for me?

This may be confusing, but the answer to all three questions is yes



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Confirmed confusing.

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I actually have been enjoying Nathan for you more, and dont get the rehearsal entirely, but it does make me laugh.

christian gal has been delivering the lols for me the most

Yes, no, maybe.

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You gotta at lesat get to Robin (ep 2), and personally, ep 3 was my favorite of the series.

Maybe you’re not smart enough to get it.

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Just watched Episode 4 of The Rehearsal. Holy shit. Levels upon levels upon levels.


Miriam is best Rehearsal character

Different show runners - D&D have no involvement.

Source material is finished but pretty sparse so lots of work for team to do. I think the source material is about 100 pages. So the major plot points are all set out, but you don’t have nearly the depth of dialogue, etc. that you had for the first 4/5 seasons of GOT.


I need to re-watch Police Squad.

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Matt Smith is awesome

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Wholeheartedly disagree. I thought the premier was awesome.

Best part of watching House of the Dragon is realizing that I’m going to get bonus entertainment watching wypipo complain about black Corlys.

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We doing GoT memes yet?


Did we used to have a separate GoT thread?