The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I think GoT (even season 8) predates UP.

House of the Dragon was OK, but what helped make GoT so great was the ensemble cast and the multiple story lines, and this definitely feels like a story thatā€™s going to be centered around 2 characters. Iā€™m sure there will be a bit more to it, but I just donā€™t see this series having the depth of GoT. The episode wasnā€™t bad, I just didnā€™t get the feeling that we are at the beginning of something epic the way I did with the early GoT episodes.

I thought it was a solid, but not amazing episode. Did what it needed to do in introducing us to the characters and world without any dumb issues. Probably all you can ask for in a episode 1.

One concern is that they seem to be trying a bit too hard to tie this to GoT with Aegonā€™s prophecy about a Song of Ice and Fire. Feels like an unnecessary addition.

Agreed. The only purpose this seems to have at this point is to remind us that itā€™s a GoT show. I think prequels work best when given their own space to tell stories and not try too hard to tie in to the later series. Especially in this instance when the timeline is so long itā€™s not like thereā€™s any significant continuity they have to deal with. We know this happens like 200 years before GoT so who cares.

It looks like the LOTR show has black elves, so that might rustle a few jimmies. I feel obligated to watch this as a Tolkein nerd, but I know itā€™s going to disappoint me. Interesting to see which of these two warmed-over franchise cash grabs will be the better show.

There has been a lot of really good scifi/fantasy IP created globally over the last 30 years. I donā€™t understand why we would do anymore LoTR content than weā€™ve already created. We already have about 6 too many hobbit movies ffs.

I actually read The Silmarillion as a teenager, and even I have zero desire to watch a TV show set in old middle earth.

Iā€™m hyped for the upcoming Three Body Problem show.

Oh, thatā€™s the easiest marketing pitch ever: Star Wars is making 50 spinoff shows because thereā€™s a ready-made audience of superfans. GoT was a massive hit, the LOTR movies were a hit, letā€™s just take pre-written storylines from the LOTR backstory and make a spinoff show and all the LOTR nerds will love it. Only problem is that The Silmarillon is so fucking boring that even most LOTR fans would rather watch someone read the wikipedia article on the history of 19th century Turkish naval insignia than watch a Silmarillon show. But the marketing execs donā€™t know that.

I donā€™t know, it could be good but the screenwriters have their work cut out for them.

@Trolly did you recently start watching The Tourist? I have one episode left

Never even heard of it, is it good?

Watched the first episode of House of the Dragon and I am not sure ā€œWhy should I care?ā€ Its not a prequel I think I need to watch. I rather read the ā€œWinds of Winterā€ if it ever comes out and hope for a better story than the final GOT seasons.

Iā€™m not sure if he finishes because I suspect the whole point of the series was to allow him to write a Daenerys heel turn out of nowhere halfway through the last book as yet another way of fucking with peopleā€™s expectations and the audience completely shat over that concept, so why would he want to repeat that?

Oh whoā€™s your avatar then? I thought it was this guy

I believe itā€™s Jackie Daytona, a regular human guy.


Rewatched the Sandman episode with Robert Gadling and I didnā€™t realize the episode has the Death segment and his in the same episode. Itā€™s a testament to good packed storytelling that I thought they each had their own episode.


Thanks for reminding me I havenā€™t watched the current season yet

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Dammit, I was going to make this exact post. Jackie Daytona, regular human guy from Tuscon, ArizoƱa.


I didnā€™t recognize him because of the toothpick


Finally got around to watching the first ep of Tokyo Vice. Entertaining, if not quite a bit overdramatized.

But the most tilting thing is that thereā€™s just no universe in which his company superior, his colleagues, and a Japanese cop he befriended would be speaking predominantly in English to Japanese-fluent Jake.

Hot take: The Jackie Daytona episode is the worst episode in the entire series thus far.