The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I don’t remember much from season 2. It was pretty forgettable to me and I’m not really interested in seeing more of it. To be honest, I disliked Alan. He’s an incredibly anal-retentive person who seems insufferable. The show would probably suck a bit if there was more of him in it. But at the same time, their interaction is what made the show work and with it missing, I found Nadia’s story less appealing. The ending kind of forced Nadia to be less selfish (let go of the jewels/past to save herself in baby form) which was nice but it was so heavy-handed that it turned me off. So I guess if Alan was less annoying and more involved, season 2 would have been better.

I largely agree with your assessment of Alan. He at least had some level of introspection and a desire to be a better person, so was easier for me to root for.

I don’t think a show about just either one of them would have worked - which is why Season 2 was so bad as they basically had separate story lines with limited interaction.

Agree that not really looking forward to a S3, if it happens.

Anyone watching Surface? It had it a good setup, but the last two “reveal” episodes have sucked so hard. Making all the characters unlikable, including our protagonist.

I’m looking to cancel Netflix and switch over to another streaming platform.

Are they all the same or is one currently better because Netflix sucks now?

Consider HBOMax for their excellent back catalog


If you want to just have one at any given time the pro play is to just constantly rotate them every one to two months. That way you can see all the best content (whatever that is for you). So, I’d imagine you would work your way back to Netflix eventually. Amazon and HBOMax are good for next one up.

I liked season 1 and found s 2 unwatchable and didn’t make it halfway through

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Agree. I’m not watching season 2 because I think season 1 is perfect and all I hear are bad things about 2.

You’re not missing anything. It doesn’t get any more interesting and if there was a point to the ending I didn’t get it.


Thanks for mentioning this. Best thing I’ve seen in a minute.

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Finished up Succession. Need to get back to Severance, then BCS.

Any other recommendations of similar genre shows (Prime, Netflix, HBOMax, AppleTV)?

More Discovery casualties today.

If you want to watch Harley Quinn or the Justice one, I recommend doing it soon.

I just wrapped up season 1. Can’t believe a show with 0 dialogue can get me so invested.

The new WB CEO is cartoonishly terrible

Episode 6 of rehearsal went too weird for me.

edit : But only just.

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I was worried earlier that What We Do In The Shadows had lost a step, but the last 3 episodes have greatly calmed my fears.

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Is he a full on delorable?

I really like the ending. Like, a whole lot, and there were some incredible guffaw worthy moments in the episode, but everything with the 6 year old not quite getting what acting was was a huge gut punch. I dont think the mother quite understood what she was getting him into (which I think is succesfully called back on in the last scene) but I felt terribly for him and her.

On a MUCH different note, Nathan showing his ass at the end had some major significance, right? It seems weird otherwise especially since they had to call it out in the preshow warning, but I feel like Im missing the greater signifcance to it.

Yeah I “enjoy” watching this and would watch many more eps if I could because it’s very well made and as someone posted itt, it’s so different from anything we’ve seen before, but it definitely crosses some lines…and I’m not sure that the fact that they know it / comment on it is enough to excuse it tbh (even though it gives some great scenes as in the fake Angela stuff last ep)

One thing is that it’s hard to ignore that the “Nathan” we see on the show, who understands nothing about human nature, is just a character, and that the actual Nathan Fielder is clearly very aware of what he’s doing to the people he’s filming, who themselves are not really understanding what they’re getting into (even more so in the case of a literal 6 yo…)