The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

She-Hulk talking directly to the camera implies that she is schizophrenic like Deadpool, which is interesting.

This is what made The Hulk so boring in the MCU: they basically gave up on everything that makes the character interesting halfway through the first Avengers movie and now he’s just a big strong boi who does science instead of a Jeckyll/Hyde character with dramatic tension.

Now that the backstory is done I hope the show gets more of a Perry Mason / Law & Order courtroom drama vibe to it. Lead actress is pretty great.

The MCU TV shows from Disney are at best mediocre imo

The Anarchists


A mini series on HBO. I saw some people give it flack because its about anarcho capitalists as opposed to real anarchists but I watched it out of curiosity.

It’s not very good. It never even delves into what anarcho capitalism is, only letting its subjects define what they believe in very vague terms. Even then the documentary is specifically about a commune / festival held in Mexico and the leaders of the event. So it’s more of a workplace documentary.

The commune slash festival is divided between two camps. The hippie anarchists and the suburban contrarians. The hippies take in a mentally unstable vet who deals cocaine under the cartel’s noses and the cartel shoots up the house they’re staying in killing one of the hippies. Meanwhile, as crypto sky rockets, the grifters overtake the native suburban contrarian founder faction. It ends with the festival collapsing, the grifters taking the pieces and running, and the naive good natured founder of anarchopulco drinking himself to death.

If that sounds interesting to you, it’s not.


Episode 11 of Sandman - A dream of a thousand cats + Calliope for those who’ve read the books - just dropped!


The cats one is one of my favorite stories from the books, I have confidence they’ll do it justice.

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get a divorce


Fucking hell.

Wednesday could have been great but it looks like its going to suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

“Hey guys, we got this character who is totally awesome and stands out everywhere and the whole premise is that she is a misfit in a land of normies who loves that she and her family are kooky and strange. What should we do with her?”

“I Know, lets put her in a Hogwarts for freaks!”


I’m still open to giving it a chance. Trailer at least made it look entertaining and the actress seems to fit the part. Maybe she’ll be a freak among freaks.





I want Nathan to take so much of Discovery/HBOs money that they have to cancel literally every other show


She was good in Scream, and uncomfortably good in X in exactly the way she was supposed to be.

On board if you don’t include AEW.

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I think she herself will obviously do great, I just don’t get the desire to ruin the entire conceit of the original premise by Harry Pottering everything.

“I’m meeting today with Tony, who has always wanted to own his own wrestling business, so I’ve built a wrestling arena inside this blimp hanger in San Francisco to help him rehears for his dream company. I have hired actors from around the world and they have spent two years learning how to wrestle, take “bumps” and create their own characters.”

“What Tony doesn’t know, is that I’ve also decided to bankrupt his future company’s parent corporation by forcing them to use all their money to create a wrestling arena inside a blimp hanger in San Francisco, so eventually his company will have no choice but to fold, and I will be able to use HBO’s money to purchase the company and call it NFSW, Nathan Feilder’s Social Wrestling.”


LOL ok, I’m in

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HBO needs to renew The Rehearsal for 10 more seasons. Wow


Im kinda blown away right now. What a rollercoaster that episode was.



Just binged Russian Doll and loved Season 1 but thought Season 2 was pretty bad - not unwatchable but just far worse.

Season 1 worked for me because of the interaction between Nadia (a generally selfish, and terrible person) and Alan - (basically his opposite). Alan is the voice of reason and without him, I think you’d be rooting against Nadia. Season 2 was tough for me as Nadia reverted to being completely selfish and without Alan to balance her somewhat, I just wasn’t invested the same way in her story.