The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

My immediate reaction is that the finale was fine, but I think I would have preferred it to end with the chant on the bus. I feel like his satisfaction with being a dirtbag as long as thereā€™s a hint of respect from others is more in character than whatever they were trying to do with him and Kim.


Show went massively downhill when they killed off Lalo and Howard and did the time jump. Second half of the season is completely forgettable



I liked the last few eps more than most, but the finale fell flat for me. I think itā€™s because I never took Jimmy seriously as a character. He was always, despite some very good writing and acting, a scam to extend BB into another series. The charm of Saul in BB was that he was a completely amoral piece of shit, save a few moments that tested the limits of his depravity. To have his conscience be the fulcrum of this show, to the extent that we were often supposed to sympathize with him, was always a stretch. I was in it for the humor, the BB universe, for the characters who werenā€™t plot committed to their future. I was seldom looking for ā€˜How is Jimmy going to transition into Saulā€™, and while I found the Gene stuff whimsical and offbeat, I could have done without it if the point of it was to culminate with a straightforward redemption ploy.

Not trying to be woke here, but Kim made her choices, she didnā€™t need Gene to save her, I think this episode weakened her arc a bit.

The Lalo killing Howard episode was the best of the series though, that was the ending ā€“ play stupid games win stupid prizes. The rest was just a search for a more conventional resolution.

That said, the one thing you can say about Jimmy is that he was not a coward, and the last shots of him were pretty cool.


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I thought the finale was solid and a fitting end to BCS.

From the death of his brother, the Harry murder, all of the events of Breaking Bad and then living life on the run as Gene (and everything else in-between) - Saul has been through the ringer. Sure, he brought most of it on himself but it still took a toll. I can live with his decision although I wish there was a stronger criminal case against Kim to justify his actions. It doesnā€™t seem like the DA was going to pursue any charges and she would only have to deal with a potential civil case from the wife.

Heā€™s been broken for a long time but he hides behind the Saul faƧade. When he is dismissive towards Kim while she was dropping off the divorce papers, you know he was dying on the inside.

Loved the smoking scene in the prison mirroring the first time we see Jimmy and Kim together in Episode 1 leaning against the wall in the HHM parking lot sharing a cigarette. That was a great touch.

I donā€™t give a shit about awards shows - I havenā€™t watched any of them in years. But I am rooting for Rhea Seehorn at the Emmys. Canā€™t believe this is her only nomination after 6 seasons of BCS.


EDIT: Leaving this thread. Kinda terrified Iā€™m gonna come across a BCS finale spoiler and it hasnā€™t appeared on Netflix here yet.

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Donā€™t open YouTube then. I have the last episode on DVR but know what happens now because the video title completely spoiled it.

If you mean the episode title, not really.

Saul kills Katniss.

(A joke I had with my daughter growing up- I once said something spoilerish and from then on Iā€™d go to a movie and text her something along the lines of ā€œThanos killed Katniss).

I once took her and her friends to Blockbuster wearing socks and sandals. She still let me walk her down the aisle.

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Was thinking avout BCS today.

It was good. It was VERY good, and it was fitting. The entire episode was abut regret and longing, and that final shot wraps both of those feelings up perfectly. Jimmy and Kim have so many regrets and so much longing for the other. And she has to be there at the end, the series is a much her story as Jimmyā€™s.

Nice little endcaps of Mike and Chuck to bring everything full circle.

Marie and Bill secret MVPs of the episode. Marie brought the heart, and Oakley gave me a bunch of laughs so they nailed that as well.

Its not a perfect series, but its a damn good one. It needed to stick the landing to outpace BB, and although it wasnt the strongest final season ever, it was satisfying in a ton of ways, and thats really all I needed.

Its on top of my all time dramas list, and it gives Golden Age Simpsons a run but likely doesnt get there.

Also, it takes a ton of balls to do the final half of your final season about 80% in black and white. And it didnt bother me. It works. For a show that can be so beautiful visually, the black and white has to do a ton of work and it does. Saulā€™s final outfit going to court is a perfect example. You donā€™t need to know what color it is to know exactly what it looks like. Its a bold move to do something that pretty much no other show is doing, and I commend Gilligan for a really cool aesthetic choice.




iā€™m literally watching this show Year of the Rabbit right now to get more matt berry in my system


I just rewatched S3 of WWDITS and the S4 episodes and am now fully on board the Matt Berry bandwagon. What else does he have thatā€™s worth watching? Toast of London seems interesting too.

Have you seen Garth marengheis dark place? Lots of berry.


Garth Marenghiā€™s Darkplace is such a gem of a show.

Iā€™m in for anything involving Matt Berry.

BCS spoilers

The ending to BCS was excellent. Definitely got an audible gasp out of me when Saul fell on his sword and copped to everything at the end when it looked like he was gonna skate by on a lenient sentence. I mean if it did end on that 7 year sentence, the show would have been so unfulfilling. I definitely wanted to see Saul get his and he did while in some way redeeming himself.

Saul and Kim are hopelessly in love with each other despite everything that happened. The scene to sharing the cigarette at the end was straight out of them doing the same in HHM.

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The black and white was so awesome, if only to setup the colour lighter and cigarette cherry.


He called Saul!

I wonā€™t get deep into the finale other than to say it was great and did a fantastic job at not just ending the series, but reaching back into the world of BB/BCS and pulling through some of the overarching themes/messages.

What a wonderful show BCS was. Just wonderful. Even the best shows donā€™t normally stay with me, but this and BB will for a long, long time. Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman is by far one of the most interesting characters I have ever seen and I suspect I will think about him often.

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