The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I think the exact opposite. Who else could get that strong of a reaction from him? Saul Goodman does not completely lose his shit because a random person won’t get somebody else on the phone for him.

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giphy (1)


better call saul ok fine i’m not watching it yet. you know what i AM watching? that’s ALSO a 5-bagger?

What We Do In The Shadows season 4 is absolutely top tier


I missed this. When did he tell her this?

Binged Stargirl season 2 and remain very positive towards the show and excited about season 3 beginning at the end of the month. Like Ms Marvel, the show features a central family that actually loves each other and I find that refreshing. It’s a show featuring teenagers that isn’t centered around relationship angst, which I greatly enjoy.

Season 4

It’s very good, but it’s on par with the other seasons, if not a small step back.

beetlejuice issues so many bags of popcorn that the bags are oversaturating the market and i no longer know what to watch

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It’s just popcorn inflation.


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The reaction to BCS here is baffling to me. It’s great this season and doing everything it needs to do to wrap up. It literally has to link back to BB. There is no way to end it without doing so.


Looks like the Disovery merger is about to kill the best streaming platform out there.

Pretty good interview with the Grandpa from Ep3 of the Rehearsal, though the media still doesnt quite seem to understand the show, and neither do some (most?) of the actors.

" I had no idea it was going to be such a popular show, because I didn’t even understand—I still don’t understand the complete concept of it"

Imagine being cast on something like this and not doing the slightest bit of research about the host.

He does seem to at least appreciate what is happening though.

" What I saw in the episode is exactly what they portrayed to me, as best they could. But hearing it and then actually seeing it and trying to put it together—they’re artists. Obviously HBO gives them a bunch of money to do what they do because they’re really good at it. I can’t really sit in judgment of the process or anything, because it’s obviously working. They’re getting great reviews"

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Haha Nathan added the emotional element to gold digger and it went TOO well.

5 bags of popcorn and a glass of orange juice, no pulp


I didn’t think this past episode was too bad. VG has always had the tendency to have an episode or two to set up the payoff that comes in the next episode. I am expecting the final two episodes to kick ass.

But Nippy is probably the worst episode in the BCS series even if the sole reason for its existence is to set up the finale.

That’s like saying it’s the worst sex you ever had. It’s still awesome by comparison to other things! :grinning:

Way less excited about the worst sex of my life than I am about a mediocre BCS episode.

I think some of you should emotionally hedge for the last two ep’s. Remember how pointless and unsatisfying El Camino was.

I found it jarring to see Saul talking to middle-aged Jesse and Grandpa Walt. Gilligan said that he decided to forgo the de-aging CGI and just let fans deal with it.

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Walt was fine, the problem with Jesse is that Aaron Paul SOUNDS like he aged twenty years. He was a kid in S2 and sounded like it. Not so much now.

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