The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I definitely think there will still be something with Kim. I still don’t think it’s a coincidence that she’s from Nebraska and Saul is in Omaha, even though he reached her in Florida.

By the way, I was trying to figure out how long it has been since the end of Breaking Bad and the black-and-white episodes of BCS. Maybe it was made obvious, but I didn’t notice. Regardless, I figured it out.

Breaking Bad ended within days of Walter’s 52nd birthday, which was September 7, 2010.

BCS B&W takes place almost immediately thereafter. Again, maybe it was obvious at some point, but I realized that based on the football conversations Saul had with the mall security guard, he was setting up the scam from early in the 2010 football season.

First, I remembered the discussion of the QB Martinez, Bo Pelini, and a possible move to the Big Ten. The move wasn’t until the 2011 season and Martinez was a freshman in 2010. Then I remembered a conversation about a big Colorado win with a 45-something score. That was November 26, 2010.

But then I realized I was wasting my time because at one point Saul is reading about the games in the paper. I couldn’t make out the date, but it showed a preview of Nebraska vs. Texas. That game was October 16, 2010.

So maybe I wasted brain cells figuring it out and it was stated somewhere, but it was fun sleuthing.

Also, I’m not sure exactly how long Saul has actually been in Omaha, as he left Albuquerque well before Walter died. He and Walter were in hiding together, then Saul left, then Walter went to Maine, grew out his beard, ran through food and supplies, then returned to ABQ. So Saul has been in Omaha for quite some time.


Just noticed these. Have they always been there? They’re kinda famous, more for the art than the recordings, although some lounge music nerds *ahem* appreciate the music too.

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I find it interesting that both you and Melk think he got in touch with Kim in that phone call. The scene to me read much more like someone refusing to allow him to talk to Kim


I probably should have said “tried to reach her in Florida.” I don’t think he actually talked to her, either. Don’t think he would’ve been yelling like that.

I think whether he got in touch with her or not is unclear. My main point was if that is the last we get of the Jimmy/Kim storyline, then Vince Gilligan might need to consider that script writing is not his forte.

Yeah I mean we still have at least one more Jimmy/Kim confrontation coming. What that will entail who knows. But they aren’t leaving Kim/Jimmy on that

When Saul plans the phone call with Francesca, he tells her to be there on November 12.

Last episode of BCS seemed preoccupied with tying minor loose ends, especially the phone call early on which was just a plot device to keep people from going on Reddit and being TV nerds. Like why would Saul give a shit about Kuby?

Also, agree on that call not being the last of Saul/Kim. That is unless Vince is planning some Kim-related spinoff.

DC is out here finding entirely new ways to fail at making superhero shows. They’re so bad at this it’s amazing. They shot an entire movie that’s going straight into a vault. They re-released Morbius because of memes and it bombed twice. The star of their big Flash movie is running from the law because he may have abused a child.


Morbius is Marvel. He’s a Spider-Man villain, so the film rights are owned by Sony (not Disney), which is why it’s not set in the MCU.

Dag, I haven’t had my coffee yet.

All good. Kinda wild about Batgirl. I did not know that movie existed and now am bummed it’s being perma-shelved. Keaton as old Batman sounds awesome.

This is pretty obvious now, but I was impressed with dlk9s jr when he pointed out either at the beginning of Season 6 or sometimes last season that the Better Call Saul intro credit sequences have gotten progressively lower quality.


I finished Fun and Games feeling satisfied with the entire series - it felt complete at that point. I thought Nippy was pretty unnecessary, but I did appreciate the idea of wrapping up Omaha-era Saul a little more. (I should note that I’m one of those philistines who didn’t like the Fly episode of BB, so you’re free to critique my tastes.) And I guess the most recent episode of BCS was semi-interesting in terms of showing that Saul’s always going to be attracted to crime as if there’s a gravitational pull. But I definitely didn’t need this episode, nor did I need the tying-up-lose-ends phone call with Francesca.

And the one thing I liked least of all was the Walt and Jesse flashback. Obviously, this show started off as an offshoot of Breaking Bad, but it quickly developed into its own show that I cared about entirely independent of Breaking Bad. I absolutely didn’t need or want to see the gang get back together. Moreover, it felt super cheesy - it was more like a Super Bowl commercial featuring characters you hadn’t cared about for years, and wouldn’t care about immediately after (like Wayne’s World or the Sopranos kids).

I think the most interesting thing about the most recent two episodes has been the deteriorating quality of the credit sequences, which isn’t really high praise.



I hope there wont be more breaking bad stuff, that felt like cheap fan service. The post above nailed it.

The rest was not that bad but having all the “present day” be in black&white is frankly a pretty terrible design choice.


I was briefly excited about the Bat Woman TV show, but they really goofed it up and it looks like they’re wrapping up the ArrowVerse anyway. Pretty incredible decade-plus run, all in all.

It’s gotta suck really hard working on this movie and learning that no one is ever going to see it because it was all a tax dodge.

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The new Breaking Bad crossover scenes were definitely fan service, but they also served a purpose. The name of the episode was “Breaking Bad,” and not just because Walt and Jesse were in it. As the episode went on, we saw quicker cuts back and forth between BB-era Saul and post-BB Saul, showing the parallels between his current and past life. He’s looking back on the BB-era with nostalgia and deciding to let his criminal self come back out for good, breaking bad once again after trying to fly straight as Gene.


Pretty sure Saul’s gonna either find a dead guy in there (the barbiturate having some drug interaction with the meds the victim was taking) or alive and Saul is fucked. To be honest, it’d be nice for Saul to have some comeuppance

Idk I didn’t think it worked that well. Also it may just be me but I don’t really think they convincingly achieved the transition of Jimmy into the Saul breaking bad character (I haven’t rewatched it so assuming it is the same as the one in that last ep). I don’t think it matters too much because the show is good as itself
but here he is really wanting to do business with WW just because he heard from junkies that he makes the best drugs ? We haven’t seen him do anything close to that in bcs.