The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

joe pera talks to you

on hbomax i think as part of their adult swim collection. a nice show about life in northern michigan.

5 bags of popcorn


Wait, was ep7 the last one of the season? I guess I somehow didn’t pick up on that. I’ve been watching this on Hulu and was waiting for ep8 to show up. There’s a little ridiculousness in this show but I enjoyed it and would watch more. Jeff Bridges rules.

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3 eps in. It’s Stranger Things* with girls and Ali Wong instead of Winona Ryder but less weird and a plot that I’m able to follow, so way more enjoyable for me than ST which I quit at the start of S4 but struggled to make it through S2.

*not a ST knock off though—based on a comic book series that came out before ST

BBC romantic comedy series called Starstruck is pretty great. It’s a gender reversed Notting Hill.

Wow, almost a ten-year run. I can’t say this will be on anyone’s short list of GOAT television, but I had a lot of goofy fun watching.

I caught a few episodes here and there. Enjoyable even though I had little or no clue what was going on.

The show went wild going between multiple dimensions and timelines. I remember one episode where one of the characters actually goes to a whiteboard to diagram out which character is from which time/dimension.

I stopped paying attention during S4, but now I want to jump back in.

The first 4 seasons of The Flash were pretty good. I lost interest after that.

Sure seems like BCS is no longer appointment Television.

I thought that was a fairly good episode. Definitely way better than last week’s.

Predicted a major twist in the old man

Daughter is Lithgow’s protege but uncertain if did he steal the war lords wife?

And now at the end of episode 3

is she his daughter or is the warlord daddy?

Used to use this video to help me fall asleep at night

Also, Joe Pera’s standup is very funny.

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It was fine. But this is not Ozymandias / granite state / felina

Better Call Snore, amirite?


I think it’s poignant how much he wants to be plain, old Jimmy again.

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I thought that episode was great! Fills in lots of gaps and starts linking the two shows more.

Seems 50/50 if we are heading to happy or sad ending.

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I’d rather get another season of Legends of Tomorrow.

Gilligan has built this entire world on the premise of bad endings for bad people.


True but I really want a happy ending for jimmy and Kim!


We have to get more Jimmy and Kim, right? To end that whole story with us watching angry Jimmy in a phone booth would be the laziest, most chicken shit way to end the Jimmy and Kim saga.

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