The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Fielder has used the full financial resources of the home box office corporation to create, for himself, a real life Sims game where he can pretend to have a family (I’m pretty certain this was his plan all along). And has taken full advantage of America’s complete lack of mental health resources in the process. It’s pretty staggering.


Season 1 episode 2 is 1,2. 12 is the number of apostles, the number of following.


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I was like on one hand the numbers thing is funny, on the other, I’m pretty sure that’s what crazy people do

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This is surprising. I really likeed ep 1 better (but only because ep 2 is a set up for where the rest of the season is going to go.) And there were many more laugh out loud moments in ep 1 than 2.


The Rehearsal is the best show I’ve watched since I crashed my Scion TC going 100 mph.


Upright miracle status

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And whats 22 +88?

Thats right. 100. The same speed I was going when i crashed my Scion TC


He picked up Gene in a cab after hia fainting spell. On the drove back, Gene noticed the guy had an ABQ Isotopes thing hanging rrom his mirror and the guy kept eyeing him. Gene eventually told the guy to just let him out and went back home.

Later, he approachdd Gene in the mall and claimed that he knew him, from when he lived in ABQ. Said that he was the lawyer guy from TV, Saul Goodman. Gene said he had no idea what he was talking about and that he should leave him alone. The guy made a vague threat about seeing him around and then Gene called the vac cleaner guy. He was about to buy another new identity but changed his mind and said he would take care of the guy himself.

Thats where we left it.


Not spoilering but lmao, how many times have seen the exact same episode? I mean have any of these ever not worked out at the end? Talk about no stakes.

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This is not living up to Season 5 of BrBa

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Omg, how many fucking cinnamon buns did they force us to watch that guy eat? Throwaway episode in black and white with four left.

I have actually crashed several scion tc’s at 100 mph


So Im a big defender of Fly, generally regarded as BrBa’s worst episode, but even Im struggling with this one.

Its amazing how much a lack of Kim (or really most of the major support characters) brings down this show. During my most recent rewatch the wprst episodes tended to come from S1 where Kim was used very sparingly.

Guess I’m in the minority here. I really liked it. I have faith in VG to stick the landing. We’ll see I guess.

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Really liked it also and no matter what he does with the ending, BCS has been light-years better than BrBa ever was. Only episode nit I had was being very distracted by the cabbie being different actor (but this is more a me thing) and thought the character was much more menacing and “in the game” when we first met him compared to this guy who’s just kinda meek. It’s a great show.


Anyone else excited/scared for The Sandman, coming Aug 5th on Netflix? Written in the 90s, it’s pretty much one of if not the most legendary graphic novels ever. Luckily the author (Neil Gaiman) is heavily involved in the production.

The series made a really lasting impression on me in my early teens, and imo they’ve kept well. Show has the potential for greatness, but I’m scared as hell they’ll blow it. Some great casting like Gwendoline Christie, but also a lot of fairly unknown actors.

Official trailer here without comments.

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I think that’s a pretty scorching hot take.