The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

It was hard for me to get into that since I don’t know anything about the politics involved. I do love that they close with an old-school big Hollywood dance thing.

When was the last time you saw a classic Hollywood triple threat in a modern movie? Maybe Ryan Gosling in that La La Land movie?

Well, we just brought back West Side Story, and Greatest Showman may qualify.

I don’t either, but that song slaps.

Yeah, I don’t understand even half the lyrics on the first listen of any banger. But you don’t need to in order to know that it bangs.

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BCS Spoilers

So, that’s it for Kim? I mean we’re never gonna find out what happens to her? Seems like a really lame ending to her storyline. I was expecting something far more final and costly than just I’m leaving you.

With Lalo offed, it really feels like there’s less to tell. I mean those are the two big storylines popped off right there. There was a moment where they could have been pulled in when Cheryl started sniffing around but Kim’s story put an end to that.

I suppose at some point Walter White’s story will cross over into this season and that’ll be the new thing. At least I hope so because I don’t want more stories about horny engineers building Gus’s laundry meth lab. Already had that with the German ones.

Moar BCS

Honestly it’s more or less what I was expecting and further reinforces my opinion that Gilligan can’t write female characters. Her backstory was never developed. Her character lacked depth and complexity. Her relationship with Jimmy never made sense, and now she’s simply gone because Jimmy’s story doesn’t need her any more. She was never more than a prop, just like Skyler. And Jane. And Francesca. And Hank’s wife. And Mike’s daughter. All the women primarily exist as accessories to the men.

I know others feel very differently about Kim and she seems to be a polarizing character. But that’s the side I land on

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Cant possibly be Kim’s end. She will most likely show up in the Gene timeline. It would be a prrtyy unsatisfying end otherwise.


The way the storyline seems to jump an unclear amount of time from Saul living with Kim to having a tacky mansion and a huge law firm seems to skip over a lot of material. I hope that was some kind of flash forward rather than just fast forwarding the story a few months and things happen because reasons.

I also don’t buy Kim coming back during the Gene timeline. I don’t see how that can work out in any practical sense. It’d be pretty ridiculous for her to go, “Hey, I’ve been following you for 20 years after I broke up with you and never actually told you. Your combover turns me on.”

Rehearsal discussion

I wish they would have shown how the real guy reacted to the cheating reveal. Unless I missed it. Or it was just the awkward staring at each other. Or I just missed the point of the scene. I felt like the actor’s response was within the reasonable range of reactions that guy might have had and I want to know if the entire experience was actually ruined for him.

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The point was Nathan chose not to tell the truth there based on the actor’s reaction.


Yeah, this

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There is no reason to show any of the stuff that happened between Kim leaving him and the “present.” Without Kim, and with Chuck and Howard dead, he has nothing tying him to his former life as Jimmy, so we just see him fully embracing his Saul persona. I agree that it was weird that Kim is just suddenly gone so abruptly, but the Howard and Lalo storylines ended seemingly abruptly as well, so par for the course at this point.

I am very curious where they go with the Gene storyline. I could def see Kim showing back up, but it would need to be done in a way that is plausible

Started watching this last week. First season strong start but went downhill imo. Just got to the poker scene in season 2 ep 3 last night while also watching WSOP. LOL


Enjoying second part of S2 way more than end of S1/start of S2

Watched Bill Burr: Live at Red Rock

A lot of stand-up has kinda failed post-pandemic. Everybody’s gotta have a pandemic take and they’re all basically the same bit because of how it affected each comic in pretty much the same way. So the first part kinda sucks but thankfully it gets better during the second half.

Definitely not his best special but still pretty funny at times. I guess if you’re expecting new or groundbreaking from him you’ll be pretty disappointed. But I wasn’t.

The Rehearsal ep2 is out. Well done and super disturbing.

The Rehearsal was pretty good, but I think this set up isn’t sufficiently interesting to warrant a 2-parter. They could’ve fleshed it out a bit more and made it a 40 minute 1-parter.

1-2 new trailers for the Lord of the rings show. Reading a little bit about the story when the rings were made on the lotr-wiki. Still curious what kind of story they are going to tell. I just hope they dont fuck it up. :

Halfway through the Rehearsal, did Nathan create Robin? That might be a step too far.

Edit : Oh it went the other way.

Finally caught up with BCS. Show is so elite. No idea what the final 4 eps will be.

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Robin’s brother posted on twitter and the comments are hilarious