The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert


You bastard, Iā€™m gonna be down this fucking rabbit hole for hours now.


You all should stop what you are doing and go watch The Rehearsal on HBO. Itā€™s Nathan Fielderā€™s new show on HBO. The range of emotions I just felt during that 50 minutes was intense.


Yeah it absolutely has the potential to be an all timer, and with HBO/Warner money behind it I really dont see how it wont reach those heights


No spoilers this time, but BCS kills it again. Rhea is a fucking master

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That was a great performance. Feels weird seeing incels posting about her looks when sheā€™s such an amazing actor.

Yeah it was really good. Top moments were the shocked ā€œwowā€ followed by the exact same shocked ā€œwowā€. And when everything intentionally went the worst it could go for the dude but he was like meh wasnā€™t that bad actually. I think that one is the ultimate point of the show. When you stay up at night worrying about a potential interaction going over the worst case scenarios in your head you make them bigger than they could possibly be in reality.

Also the internal little nod from the guy when the real woman started by complaining about her roommates heā€™s like ā€œyep, just like we practiced.ā€


Only click if youve seen Rehersal Ep 1

I think the end might be one of my favorite television scenes ever. The pull out to reveal we are back in Nathanā€™s rehersal for the cheating reveal, the actor doing the worst case scenario version of the cheating reveal, and then ā€œPure Imaginationā€ as both we and Nathan come to the realisation that he was the bad guy all along?

chefā€™s kiss It might be a perfect scene. It is so well shot and presented.



Guess I gotta go see this.

RRR (on netflix) is an action blockbuster movie from India about best-friendship, colonialism, and epic fightscenes.

itā€™s about two heroes set against each other by fate and the VILLANOUS British colonialists. But not before accidentally becoming best friends while saving a child from an oil train crash (also probably british)

Definitely the best action movie Iā€™ve seen since Arnold in his heyday, except this movie has TWO Arnolds. Itā€™s long (3 hours) so plan on taking multiple intermissions. Early on one of the Indian Arnolds fights literally one million guys. There are a lot of big laughs and yelling at the screen from me at the audacity of how badass these characters are being.

Thereā€™s also a LOT of indian nationalist propaganda that to me as an outsider looks really cringey obvious but I love cringe too so it didnā€™t spoil anything for me, it enhanced my experience.

The special effects and action choreography are top notch, like any major Hollywood action movie. But what brings this to the next level for me is even though so much of it is played way over the top for laughs, it has that extra magic that makes you still root for the characters and shout at the screen when thereā€™s a plot twist or a British person thinks he can dance

5 bags of popcorn. I havenā€™t stopped thinking about it since I watched it, and despite its length I want to watch it again.


This is the greatest action movie since Fury Road. I love Netflix; they donā€™t care about profits, they just make amazing movies.

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111 million views:

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Did Netflix have anything to do with the making of this one? I thought they just got some distribution rights.

idk, it sounds based either way

Yeah, Iā€™ve got it in regular rotation, its a killer.

You back in the states yet? Thoughts on Rehersal?

Yeah, though I think not til like 8 Pm Eastern or something

Add another 88 million for the original Telugu version.

This was the real banger of the movie though: