The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

I assume this will me another Tim masterpiece

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I bet he complains about people being too sensitive these days.

I could probably have a good time at a Burr comedy show assuming all new material but I gave his podcast the olā€™ college try and it just didnā€™t work for me

I tuned out Rogan podcast when he went dumb during the last election. I still like his comedy though. Will watch Burr in next few days. Watching The Spy currently.

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Burr was better than Chappelle.
BB seemed thin. Parts were great. Could have cut 20 minutes.
Chappelle was underdeveloped. Needed more depth. He got by on charm and technique.
The last Rogan standup was very, very good. His best in a long while.

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Roganā€™s Harvena Weinstein bit was so terrific, and his cats and dogs bit was great too.

By the way in case people didnā€™t hear Apple TV+ launches on November 1st at $4.99 a month. There will be a thirty day free trial and new iPhones, iPads and Apple TVā€™s come with a yearā€™s subscription.

Also they released a trailer for another show.

If I can get a free new iPhone for signing up for this Iā€™m obviously in even if I never watch once.

Not sure if kidding but itā€™s the other way around.

I was kidding yes :)

Iā€™m watching it right now, on episode 4. Itā€™s not bad, got some good characters and I like the setting. Itā€™s on Showtime btw

My bad. My sarcasm meter was temporarily miscalibrated.

Maybe I just donā€™t get it, or Iā€™m a snowflake, but I tried watching Bill Burrā€™s stand up with a friend last night and we legit turned it off about 20 minutes in. Most of it just wasnā€™t funny at all, like he was trying to be offensive and completely missing.

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Same, it just simply wasnā€™t funny and his delivery had a lot to do with it. Came off as barber-shop bitching

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Heā€™s also not wrong about white women from the top 25% of the economic spectrum in the US talking about ā€œwhite male privilegeā€. Sorry not sorry. Unless they are specifically talking about sexual violence they really need to worry about stuff other than how hard it is to be an upper class white woman. They are huge net beneficiaries of the system and really arenā€™t in a good place to claim that they deserve even more.

Not going to lie Taylor Swift singing about ā€˜if I was a manā€™ is pretty annoying when we live in a world with actual poor people who donā€™t get 1/1,000,000th of the opportunities she had regardless of their gender.

Iā€™m sorry your life is very slightly less awesome than it would have been if you had been a white man. I 1000% guarantee you wouldnā€™t change your skin tone even one shade darker in exchange for a penis. I 1000% guarantee you wouldnā€™t trade your class for it either.

Nothing as off putting as the people in 2nd place complaining about the people in 1st place when thereā€™s literally 200 places below them lol.

Again Iā€™ve got nothing against them complaining about the one huge legitimate gripe they have, which is having some white dude try to force them to do sex stuff with him in a variety of ways, but other than that they really really need to worry about the bigger picture.


The people Iā€™m 2nd place have a voice. They use it because the people in 200th place donā€™t.

Yes. So they should use it on issues that apply to the places below them rather than just whining about how good white men have it compared to them. The lack of self awareness when they do that is really grating. Thatā€™s what Burr was talking about and he was right.

Sexual violence is the obvious exception for a lot of excellent reasons. We need to stamp that shit out society wide so them using their voice on that is obviously hugely +EV for everyone. But they really need to keep going even after its no longer OK (or remotely normal) to sexually harass/assault upper class white women.

Otherwise they need to use their voice to help people other than upper class white women.

Iā€™ve only been an upper class white dude for like 6-7 years. Before that I was a poor white dude. I gotta say I feel my own privilege every single day. Itā€™s complete bullshit the number of opportunities I have compared to most other humans, and because of my own personal experiences with the gigantic gap between rich and poor thatā€™s really the primary area I advocate.

If I wanted to just represent my own interests Iā€™d shut the fuck up about class lol. In fact Iā€™d shut the fuck up about everything since the entire system is setup to make my life as hilariously easy as possible (now that I broke through the barriers separating me from the poorsā€¦ an achievement made possible by the privilege of being talented and white). Instead Iā€™m more than happy to do anything I can to change the systemic inequality that Iā€™m now benefiting from.

Upper class white women should use their advocacy time on stuff thatā€™s more egregious than how they get judged for their love life is all Iā€™m saying. Thereā€™s a ton to choose from, and that stuff will change on its own as they get more and more powerā€¦ which is how itā€™s going anyway.

Enjoyed the Burr special, but barely made it though. Tone and pitch of his voice doesnā€™t change. Its just straight angry yelling the entire time. YouTube clips is probably the best way to go with this guy.

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No idea about Burr but bitching about women having it so good except for in regards to sexual violence is some first class typical male bullshit.


Bitching about anything related to yourself when youā€™re worth 250M+ is some first class typical rich people bullshit IMO.