The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

Quite good. Not sure you’ll learn anything new if you follow the history of drugs in the USA, but it’s effective and will make you angry.

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i’m enjoying The Flight Attendant. It’s kinda dumb, but such a welcome reprieve from everything else going on.

Stranger Things Season 3 was terrible.

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A new pandemic/COVID movie. Really curious to see more of what art people made about 2020. And hey, this one looks good!

Just as they decide to separate, Linda (Anne Hathaway) and Paxton (Chiwetel Ejiofor) find life has other plans when they are stuck at home in a mandatory lockdown. Co-habitation is proving to be a challenge, but fueled by poetry and copious amounts of wine, it will bring them closer together in the most surprising way.

3 episodes into Lupin, confirmed entertaining. Pretty formulaic protagonist goes on a series of clever heists where incredible luck is passed off as precise planning type show, but if you’re in the mood for that it’s well executed. It’s entirely in French so you’ll also need to be in the mood to read subtitles. Or understand French.


I dunno English dubs are fine for me. Absolutely loved Dark with them and Lupin was solid and entertaining.

You can really only tell its dubbed when actors show extreme emotion while speaking, like yelling or something. Didn’t notice it once during Lupin and only 2-3 times during Dark. Plus Darks voice acting was super elite for the preacher dude.

Has The Good Lord Bird been discussed?:Any good? I started it last night and Ethan Hawk as John Brown seems meh so far. His speeches are just too incoherent for me to get into the character.

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I liked it quite a bit as stylish entertainment. Not sure if someone can enjoy it if you dont like Hawke’s over the top portrayal of John Brown.

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I liked it, but stopped after the second to last episode because I didn’t want to see them all hanged.

Liked Ethan Hawke’s over the top performance though, Brown was over the top af.

I liked The Good Lord Bird a lot.

Keed - they don’t really show anyone getting hanged in the finale, to the best of my recollection.

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I dont mind the over the top part, just the rambling nonsense is weird. Ill give it another go tonight and report back

I stopped reading Team of Rivals just before the end, since I already knew how the play ended.

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Anyone had any luck signing into HBO Max with their amazon credentials. I’ve got HBO through Amazon and got an email saying I had access to Max as well but no joy

First two episodes of WandaVision are out. I’m a little worried it’s not gonna land with non comic reading nerds, because the premise is going to confuse a lot of people who haven’t read the source material. And they just jump right in…hopefully the “mystery” hooks are enough to keep people interested.

Personally, I think it’s great, but I also ostensibly know what’s really going on. This might be worth waiting to binge if you aren’t a hard-core Marvel comic reader.

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For the record, I have only seen the MCU (never read a single comic) and I dug the first two episodes. I’m certainly missing out on a ton of Easter Eggs, but I know enough about Wanda and Vision from the movies to follow the story. I also love old timey sitcoms so I like the style.

I’m sure things are going to get pretty weird, but I’m hopeful based on past track record that they can strike a good balance between people who have a deep knowledge of the books and folks who have mainly just followed the recent movies.


What is the source material?


it’s not really a spoiler to say generically that there is a long series/arc of comics that this is based on. I won’t go into details of the story.

I do like the cheeky homage to various sitcom styles that they seem to be doing. Looking forward to episode 3 and if it will be what I think it’s gonna be.

I meant if you were to say what the source material is. I feel that’s a huge spoiler.

I’ve never read a comic in my life, and I’m a little bored with the MCU. I cant even really remember what happened at the end of endgame, but I thought those first two episodes were absolutely fantastic