The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

Glanced at reviews of messiah after watching ep 1 and enjoying it and none of them really convinced me its not worth watching so I’m in for the rest :+1:

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omg to anyone who publicly or privately thanked the beetle for his Messiah review. I hate you all!

Medicine Police is a weird “spin off” of Children’s Hospital (I think, I recognized Rob Corddry’s weird clown doctor) that is a very weirdly toned “thromedy” the was probably just an excuse for the leads to go on a European holiday. Kind of weird but I watched 3 episodes to see try and see what the hell.

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lol, The Entertainment Weekly review of the witcher is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read, and truly gives all critics and EW a bad name. To the point where other critics in other publications/youtube channels were reviewing that review and saying how terrible it was.

They freely admit to watching one episode, skipping to the 5th episode, then watching nothing else, then proceed to complain about how they didn’t understand it and how horrible it was.

To give critics a little bit of credit, there is SO MUCH new content now, with all the streaming services, etc, that it’s got to be difficult to actually watch an entire series before writing about it…but still, that’s their job, and they are failing.


I think your enjoyment of The Witcher depends heavily on how invested you are in the games and the stories and whatnot. If you’re not into any of it it’s like generic fantasy plus why is Cavill doing a goofy voice. For me it’s like, holy fuck Yen’s backstory explains a lot about why her character is so standoffish.

Really wish they had committed themselves to the bit. S1E1 was supposed to be a fun reinterpretation of the Snow White fairy tale and you’d never know it from the Netflix show.

I kind of agree, and yet, I know so many people who have never played the games or read the books that love the show. It’s anecdotal, yes, but I think people wanted something slightly more camp and less politically serious after GoT, and Witcher fills that gap.

I was at my 50-person home game earlier and people were talking about how fun it was…and these are NOT nerd people. These are lawyers and doctors and business owners who had never even heard of it before the show came out.

It was basically a top 5 most watched show of the year, and there’s no way Sapkowski and gamer nerds could have reached that number alone.

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Confirmed spinoff (the Michael Cera announcer voice makes a joke about it) although it’s almost just another season, it’s very similar. I loved Childrens Hospital (no apostrophe) and this is just as good as the original series. Most of the old characters make cameo appearances. I can’t imagine watching this without having seen CH, but that should be taken as a recommendation to watch both. The cast list should be all you need to decide if you’d be into it.


I never played the games, never read the books, and I really enjoyed it


Good points.

I’m just not a fan of the fantasy genre. Some it my favorite stories are great stories that just so happen to take place in a fantasy setting. But when I get straight fantasy, like Witcher and the later seasons of Game of Thrones, I discover I enjoy political drama with fantasy elements, not fantasy drama with political elements.


On ep3 of The Morning Show and loving it. That’s the Apple TV show Gervais roasted at the Golden Globes. The one thing that’s wtf were they thinking is the nearly three-minute abstract intro credits. It would work great as a 15-second spot, but at three minutes it is Peak Apple

For sure, and that one is a classic.

The example I would give is Pirates of the Caribbean. The audience for pirate movies is so so so small. I mean it is potentially a more niche product than apple pie and cheese slices.

Of course we keep seeing that rare fantastic movie that just so happens to feature pirates, and we get confused into thinking we like pirates. The Princess Bride features The Dread Pirate Roberts (or at least one version of him), but it’s not a pirate movie.

A real pirate movie is something like Cutthroat Island. I love Geena Davis, but no one could carry that movie, and while I don’t think the movie’s production woes helped, I think the issue was that audiences for pirate movies are literally dying off. There hasn’t been an audience for this stuff since the 40s.

You know how many retellings of Peter Pan there have been? They’ve all done well. The brand is that strong.

But they tried making a straight-up pirate-themed Peter Pan prequel starring no less than Hugh Jackman, and the thing sank faster than the Titanic, straight to Davy Jones Locker.

Pirates of the Caribbean is maybe the only pirate movie in the last 80 years that’s done well and maintained relevance in popular culture. The sequels–all four (?!) of them–ride on nostalgia for that first movie. Watch the first movie and you’d believe Jack Sparrow is perfection. You’d believe Orlando Bloom might be a better actor than you thought. You’d believe hey, maybe pirate movies are actually good, too.

Then you try watching actual pirate movies and realize nope, they are bad and have always been bad.

The OG Disney Treasure Island is the only actually good pirate movie I can think of.

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I enjoyed Black Sails. Nothing spectacular if I remember right but was decent enough.

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I…uh…enjoy Zach McGowan, so I also enjoyed Black Sails

googles with safe search on

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what? I appreciate beauty. Like a fine work of art!

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I’m doing it. I’m opening the spoiler in a public setting…

it’s perfectly safe. I spoiler tagged it to protect the fee fees of the sensitive men in here who might not want to look at works of art

You guys I figured it out. beetlejuice is a skydiver8 gimmick account.


The perfect crime