The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

One reviewer said something similar. They said the show would be drastically improved by commercial breaks.

As someone who only watched ten minutes and gave up, I can’t help but agree.

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The Witcher is good as schlocky fantasy. I mean that as a compliment

Green Wing on amazon prime is a great show for a laugh. fast paced with a large cast of characters in short scenes doing jokes in a hospital. featuring Olivia Colman playing an extremely forgetful and clumsy office worker, not the queen at all, and she really is fantastic. just perfect in every scene. it’s almost worth it to watch just for her but it’s a funny show you’ll like it.

5 bags of popcorn

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I’ve been watching Mexican telenovellas on Netflix to get some Spanish immersion, and man, I cannot believe it’s taken me this long to discover some of the most glorious trash television ever made.It’s like, what if Breaking Bad was a low-budget soap opera that went on for 120+ episodes and everyone had gigantic belt buckles.

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Shows that seem like low budget garbage tier Netflix originals at first glance but actually turned out pretty good:

Hyperdrive: It’s like Ninja Warrior but with cars. Recommended by a friend who doesn’t even like cars so that’s not a requirement but it probably helps. It’s slightly more edited than Ninja Warrior so it comes off a bit cheesy and fake at first, like they just found some people with cheap cars and told them to put on a show, but it becomes clear pretty quickly they’re all actually trying to win.

The Circle: Kind of like Big Brother only everyone is isolated and interacts through a social media-like app. Some people are themselves, some people choose to catfish. The casting is good though, mostly entertaining people and a few genuinely likable people. Episodes are being released in 3 sets of 4, 2nd batch just came out, the rest will be out in a week.

Don’t they have a Spanish language Breaking Bad that is essentially a shot for shot remake, only with a terrible budget and really really bad acting?

Edit: Aha, I’m not crazy

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I enjoyed it but stopped watching for whatever reason.

Messiah is very enjoyable and slightly addictive. About 4 episodes in.

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This one is good too:

OMG how am I just learning about this now


Stop whatever you’re doing right now and watch Messiah on Netflix.

5 bags of popcorn


I did what you said, and it’s pretty great so far.

Watched 4 episodes in a row of messiah 2 days ago, liked it a lot

I was going to give Messiah a try, then I read the reviews which were pretty bad, so I spoiled myself and can cross that one off the list

Has anyone else noticed what a bad job reviewers have been doing at the balls and strikes level lately?


I’m pretty sure they don’t bother watching the shows they review, like they’ll watch a little of the pilot, then skip to the end, string some shit together, post it, and on to the next. This may have happened to The Witcher, but it’s been creeping up a bit on RT recently, 65% now from like a low 53% when it came out (audience score is 93%).

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Hmm ok a guy shows up and walks around either doing miracles or taking advantage of coincidences. He plays it like he knew it was going to work out and lots of people doubt him but he gains a following. military industrial complex and religious elders try to take him down. I thought it was really well done and I stand by my 5 bag review


Last episode spoiler:

idk how you were spoiled because the mystery is never explicitly resolved. The kid who says he saw the last miracle is a known liar, who earnestly claimed to fight a lion and see space ships

The review basically said that ldo they want to do more seasons so they’re not going to answer whether he is/isn’t the messiah; that was good enough for me, more often than not I don’t like plots that don’t resolve mystery things that drag you along but don’t resolve anything. But I didn’t watch any of it so maybe I missed out, if so fuck that reviewer.

It’s either that or they are trying to stack rank everything… and the quality of the average TV show has been steadily increasing since the pilot of the Sopranos.

Don’t get me wrong there’s still some truly dogshit content made, especially on network TV and Netflix, but most of what gets produced by the usual suspects is at least worthy of watching if you could find the time.

Reviewers honestly seem to be asking themselves ‘is this great tv™ because if not they are getting a bad review’… unless it’s some big player that could actually hurt their career in which case it’s ‘is this sort of watchable… because if it is it gets a good review’.