The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

I watched that movie over and over and over as a kid. It’s not my fault. It’s all we had. It was the best we had!

I suspect this is why I think Batman and Robin is obviously the worst of the bunch but is easily the most entertaining. I’ll put that on eons before I’ll watch Batman (1989) again.

Ted Lasso- imdb rating 8.7 Rexx rating 7.5


Threesome- imdb rating 7.6 Rexx rating 7.1

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So I’m trying, but not really succeeding, at getting my 8-year-old to get interested in chess. Would Queens Gambit be OK for an 8-year-old? I’d check it out myself, but it’s hard to do without spoiling it for myself.

Anyone have thoughts about Mr. Robot?

Wife and I can’t seem to agree on what series to watch next, but that has the most consensus so far.

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Nope. She starts life as a drug addicted orphan with lots of scenes about how she was orphaned. The next house she ends up with has a dysfunctional marriage and an alcoholic mother who uses her talents when the husband leaves them. That doesn’t get her out of high school…

Thanks. Yeah, I guess that’s not going to work.

Might do the trick, I don’t remember that being very objectionable.

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Yeah, that’s a good option. I’ll need to check if it is streaming somewhere.

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Very unique show, started out strong but eventually fizzled. A lot of people gave up as soon as the middle of the second season, almost everybody was meh by the end. Combination of a starting premise that was extremely difficult to resolve satisfactorily, the fact that the creator didn’t seem to know where the show was supposed to go, and real world events moving in a different direction where the larger themes weren’t very relevant anymore.

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What you want to provoke in your kid is their joy in solving puzzles by thinking several steps ahead.

A great documentary to do this is on Netflix and only runs 40 minutes.

If they connect with this, they’ll be doing Rubik’s cubes for fun. The cube requires the same kind of cognitive mapping as chess, so if they like the cube (or for those of you who have tried chess but not a cube), they’ll likely enjoy the other.

Guess I’d be curious among the chess players ITT if you’ve found the same overlap I have.

I really liked season 1, toughed out season 2 and gave up after that, just too hard to follow and payoff wasn’t there.

Season 1 of Mr. Robot was great. But I also can’t get into season 2. I watched the first episode of season 2 but I just don’t have the motivation to watch more and I’m not sure why.

Season 1 was really great though.

I like Mr. Robot overall, I vaguely recall S2 being much worse but S3 getting better and then it going a little insane at the end. Recommend consuming some cannabis before watching.

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Exactly what I did as well. Think its because season 1 finally ended going full steam. When you do that episode 1 of season two should also be going full steam, and then settle down for the middle half of the season. Instead it seemed like they just let off all the steam immediately

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Ya could be that plus quite a bit of time passed between when I binged season 1 and when I tried to watch season 2 which probably didn’t help.

yea its probably a show that would benefit from bingeing.

I would highly recommend Mr Robot. I thought the final season was magnificent


I started watching Mr Robot. Was quite intrigued and then somehow forgot about it and people were bagging out the 2nd season so I didn’t worry about getting back to it.

I thought Mr Robot was great. 2nd season didn’t deserve all the hate imo.