The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

These stars and directors are living in the past. They still want to feel like their movies are more important in a theatre and that they are better than the guys doing tv or streaming.

and fuck theatres. I’d rather watch movies in the comfort of my home.

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I’ve only seen Better Call Saul from that list. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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10/20 for me

Starting to feel ashamed I haven’t yet watched The Great

I too am ashamed of you. Huzzah!

tenor (6)

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I’ve only seen 4. Suits me because I have some time off over Xmas and just got a new TV. Its time for day drinking and streaming baby.


I haven’t personally verified this but according to Thursdays Chapo, Nolan cost WB an absolute pile of money by refusing to let them sell Tenet for streaming. Chapo also called James Cameron v Christopher Nolan “one of the biggest Chad vs Virgin dichotomies in history” which seems true. Cameron is never dictating how you watch his movies. He understands he makes popcorn entertainment and he’s a boss at it.

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Thing is, the WB movies will still be in theaters, so if people want to go, they can go.

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This. And it will make for a more enjoyable moviegoing experience because you wont have disinterested assholes being inconsiderate if they can keep up with trends without having to go to the theater


I’ve seen:

Better Call Saul: Awesome ldo

Lovecraft Country: Did not enjoy, stopped after ep 3 I think

Brockmire: this show was amazing in its first few seasons but the final season is super weird and I cannot imagine would be watchable if you hadn’t watched the rest of the show and become invested in the characters

Normal People: was too effective at being emotionally gut-wrenching so I stopped

Pen15: Am watching this with my wife, it’s awesome but so awkward I sometimes watch through the gaps in my fingers covering my eyes

Better Things: Another show where earlier seasons are better imo but it’s still good. I recommend this as a “watch with your wife” show.

The Great: I enjoyed this but am obsessed with Elle Fanning’s dilated pupils.

Bojack: Again earlier seasons are better imo but still good.


I enjoyed this show but it gets increasingly bizarre as the season goes on.

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Somehow for me it works. If you’re talking about the sexual stuff, the show is so NOT sexy that it doesn’t hit me as creepy.

what we do in the shadows is 5 bags

That Warner Brothers exec is going to get crushed. It’s funny because the broad idea is correct. Theaters are increasingly becoming a boutique thing.

The execution on this thing is a mess though. He’s been able to piss absolutely everyone off.

Somehow evil Disney and Netflix are the shrewd navigators in this transition

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Lol you know HBO screwed up the PR when Disney and Netflix look like the good guys in comparison.

Which makes little sense to me. This is an unambiguous good for consumers.

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at least 4 and possibly as many as 7 of those shows will be on my final list

OK I’m watching the first episode of “We Are Who We Are” and I do not know wtf is going on. If I continue it will be purely out of curiosity.

also, Letterkenny season 9 drops December 26, so all these critics coming out with best-of lists before then are derelict in their professional duty

A friend of mine recommended Fauda as something worth watching. Has anyone seen?