The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

That’s why we watched it. Just a light break from everything.

Hulu has a deal going Thursday-Monday where you can get a year of the ad-supported service for $2/month.

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I dropped everything and nothing happened!


Is that an incantation? Should I shout the same thing?

I’ll be glad to see 2020 in the rear view mirror!


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I posted in the LC thread about this. I’ve already been hit with a data cap that I have surpassed most months during the pandemic. And Comcast is doing away with their free Norton internet security software on Jan. 1, as well.

Fargo S4 seems weaker than the rest, but I still like it. I probably found this part way more annoying than I should have

If Gaetano didn’t get shipped off to Italy until he was 11, there is no way he would have that accent

Everyone watching this commerical is suddenly getting ready for the kick

Lol they literally made a two-minute Die Hard short film starring Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson. Amazing.

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I watched it a few times, I liked some of it, took away some positive visualization things to try and change my mood, but the obvious disconnect from thinking quantum weirdness affected macro things was pretty evident.

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@CanadaMatt3004, watched this last night. Great Aya Cash romcom. It’s sort of “what if we retold You’re the Worst, but the two leads were beta assholes instead of alpha assholes.”

Nice, thank you. I will check it out

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Oh sweet, Bighead is in it too

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Nah it’s good, I need to go back and watch season 2 but I watched the first season early in covid and it was good

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I just looked at mine and I’m still under. My dad came to stay with us a few months back and since he got here our usage has doubled due to him streaming everything but still we hover around 800 per month. There’s a message on the site that said they didn’t charge for any overages between March and June 30 which is something, and I’m locked into a couple of promos until 2022 but yeah…I’ll be looking into going BACK to DirecTV/AT&T after that.

Tbf there is quite a bit of that scattered through.

Oh man, the Narcos Mexico dude. I hate him because of his character in that, which means he’s a good actor, but also results in my hating him.

Never seen it but that sounds like quite an acting range

You should watch it. Watch the original Narcos too.

Those are the types of shows that make my Netflix sub worth it.