The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

With a Vengence over 2 imo.

Good call good call. It shall be done.

I also enjoy the hell out of Live Free, but it in no way resembles Die Hard by that point LOL.

Ah, didn’t realize that had happened.

In for any of the Die Hards.

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Not to be a grammar nit, but it should be “Now With A Fewer Dumb Title”


Now with a More Dumb Title imo

Been thinking about the Sopranos and would like you guys’ opinion about something

Who was Meadow’s worst boyfriend?
  • Finn
  • Jamaal Ginsberg
  • Patrick Parisi
  • Jackie

0 voters

Worst in what sense? This is srs business, I need to know before I vote.

Peak douche was Noah. Jackie was the biggest scumbag. Ending up with Patrick is a life sad. Finn was the best of the bunch.

Ok, explain yourself, this guy pisses like a race horse fyi

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I guess I mean worst, like, generally least redeeming characteristics. Patrick is clearly the best, the rest are all spineless little twerps.

Noah, well, at least he isn’t responsible for anyone’s death like the other two. But jesus christ, what an insufferable little twerp. Getting a restraining order against Meadow’s crazy roommate? Pump and dumping Meadow? Sad! Oh man, they were dating during the webistics thing, right? “describe webistics to me again?” “Pump and dump”. lolololololol.

Jackie. Fuck this guy. Wannabe tough guy who abandoned his friend in the street to die when their robbery goes bad. Kids these days have no sense of loyalty. Bad!

Finn. Stading Vito up at the baseball game? Going around spreading rumors about Vito? Fuckin slander if you ask me.


whoa whoa whoa could you imagine what Finn would have done if Coco had come up to his and Meadow’s table? Patrick at least had some balls. Finn would have been pissing himself. Like a racehorse, to be sure, but pissing himself nonetheless.

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I like how when Patrick stands up it’s like he hardly stands up at all, a dy of 1 foot at most

Jamaal because who the fuck was Jamaal

Uh how do I put this, the guy who can check multiple boxes on his admissions to college

The Hasidic homeboy?

oh lol that guy, yeah I voted correctly

Watched the documentary Heroin Cape Cod, USA. Hard to watch people shoot up, extremely hard to watch the crew interview someone over weeks and then pull the rug out and put some text at the end of the segment to say they died shortly after.

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I don’t remember which one you mean, but the intervention is in season 4 and that’s one of the funniest scenes of TV I’ve ever seen.

Your mistake was trusting Google auto-results, which have become useless dogshit over the years. Here’s my favorite example:


Yeah that’s great but I’m thinking of


