The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

Except for the Room, right?

I prefer We Hate Movies, but both are really good for killing a lot of time.


Also they just finished their Halloween Spooktacular which is always my favorite time of year. Highly recommended.

I tried really hard to watch it and couldnā€™t make it. Also thought the movie about making it was meh.

Also I think Nicole Kidman looks really good IMO


this show is really getting me into it now, cops fucking assholes as always man wtf

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This is definitely not going to be a crying movie :eyes:

We should watch this as a double feature with A Marriage Story. A great way to start 2020.

I was talking with my wife about her when we watched the show (we played the ā€œhow old do you think she is?ā€ game). Kidman is objectively beautiful and clearly a great actress, but her versions of both of those have never done it for me. Iā€™ve just never been into her.

Considering my wife is a short brunette, she enjoyed hearing that.

Nice. I appreciate you sharing your experience of the show.

For me, there are multiple notes and theyā€™re all among my favorites.

  1. everyone outsmarting everyone
  2. unreliable narrators
  3. a murder mystery
  4. extreme codependence
  5. the hubris and catastrophe of infidelity

And most of all is seeing people of privilege crack under pressure. Even the people who start the story innocent end up guilty by the end.

Now maybe that doesnā€™t do it for you, but I could consume nothing but this sort of stuff day on end.


Cops are assholes, kidman has alot to be stressed about, and her son has a lot to be sad about is what i took from it.

+1 to what Risky said

Plus, in this kind of storyā€¦the cops could be in on it! Easiest way to convince people a suspect is guilty is to apply so much pressure that they break the law in an equally devastating manner.


Thatā€™s a thing that Iā€™ll probably watch and then file away with Dear Zachary never to be seen again.

Looks like Shia is attempting a comeback.

Also, fuck A Marriage Story for being such a good movie. Fuck that noise.

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Honey Boy was very good imo. Peanut Butter Falcon not as good but enjoyable imo. Shia will be around forever.


Donā€™t forget about the Tax Collector where he plays an insane Mexican cartel hitman/torturerā€¦


Peanut butter falcon was fun and enjoyable

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The Room is my all-time Bad Movie Experience. Just so much heart and soul poured into it by a guy who knows nothing about making movies or the human condition.


Thatā€™s what makes it so good. Itā€™s so incredibly earnest, and yet just terrible

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I donā€™t know if this is the right place for it but I watched the tekashi 6ix9ine piece on hulu. It was decent. I knew nothing about him other than one year it seemed like he was all of a sudden all the fuck over all my social media and I didnā€™t know why.

He seems like a massive piece of shit, and it gets into details, but I guess I should have surmised that by the massive 69 tatooed on his forehead. I donā€™t like to judge by appearances, but man was I right on this one.

What an insane life this guy has led. What a fuckin heater for someone who basically made every single wrong decision at every point in his life and doesnā€™t have much talent. But, heā€™s almost certainly going to get killed by any one of the dozens of people he snitched on.

ā€¦is this the inspiration for UPā€™s very own 6ix? :astonished:

he better hope he stays out. being a pedophile and a snitch is like the SuperAIDS of prisoner status. probably better off if someone just gets him before then.

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