The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

pretty good tv show so far too


I think I started off liking Greg but disliked him more and more as the series went on, which seemed the obvious reaction at the time. But he was always a very enjoyable character. Tom is the best, though.

Ted Lasso on Apple+ plus is really good and lighthearted. Sudeikis is quite likeable and lots of crowd pleasers

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I can’t wait to finally watch all of these acclaimed Quibi shows on YouTube.


Short of the decade imo. What a stupid fucking idea


I assume when they are released in full that you will honor the spirit of quibi and watch in ten minute chunks.

Also, Netflix will likely purchase the good stuff at about .08 on the dollar.

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I don’t know how bad of an idea it necessarily was, somebody will probably get it right at some point, but I really feel like the name Quibi was so fucking stupid they never had a chance.


I dunno man, it seems like a bad idea. Who wants to watch 8 minute chunks of a 100 minute movie? It really doesnt make any sense. Who wants to be interrupted 15 times while switching over to the next part?


And then they had a dogmatic phone only philosophy. You couldn’t sit down and watch their stuff on your TV if you wanted to. Insane!

I would. It’s a fantastic idea, but holy shit what a dumb business decision. You have to either start off with a high-volume streaming platform that then offers original content OR allow audiences to share, distribute, and view the content across a variety of streaming platforms.

You cannot accomplish both of those at the same time. We just delivered a $1 billion case study so no one ever makes this mistake again.

Is that really what it was lol? I never really looked into it too deeply, I thought it was more like a TV show with much shorter episodes.

This is a good example of how well structured the episodes were. If you’re into bite-sized episodes that run around ten minutes a clip, this is a great idea.

My thought watching this first episode again though is that it’s beyond me where the billion dollars went. The production quality on these is Not Good.

Some good news from Disney (hopefully it doesn’t suck.) I LOVED this movie as a kid and actually rewatched it not too long ago once D+ came out.

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If you want short content for phones, you should be paying tiktok people, youtubers, tim and Eric like people etc.
Overpaying for content that appeals to middle aged people, then splicing it up was insane.

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For TV shows that were built specifically with this in mind, sure, fine. But they had honest to god movies streaming in this fashion which would make me jump off a bridge in annoyance

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My guess is that they were paying a premium in order to get big names to take a risk on a new platform. If you’re Anna Kendrick or Liam Hemsworth, etc., aren’t you going to try to charge Quibi more than Netflix simply because of the risk that being associated with Quibi could actually end up eroding your brand?

You end up either getting the projects no other services want and/or you have to pay a lot more to get those folks to work with you.

(Oh, and you also spend a ton on customer acquisition, because the steps you took to protect your IP mean you get less free promotion from word of mouth)

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Warwick Davis gonna be involved?

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Hopefully we get some Val Kilmer action too

Trying to finally finish up you’re the worst, about to start the finale.

Jfc the penultimate ep is black as night and tbh the whole season has been pretty dark and not that funny, which is fine I like dark but man that Ep was rough.