The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

The first 4 episodes is really trying to get its footing. They are not strong episodes. It gets so much better after that

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Word. Bojack is like Breaking Bad in the sense that the first season is pretty mediocre but it picks up way more afterwards.

As for episode 4 of this season, pretty funny but not close to Free Churro. Reminds me more of Todd and the whole hypersexualized family thing from last season.

Gotta admit I’ve been falling off a bit when it comes to BoJack is ending after this season. It’s too depressing to watch for too long.

i just binged bojack and i was happy to see todd finally shut up

Black Jesus is a shell of its former self :frowning:

I really wish McGruder would just shelve it and make new Boondocks episodes. But I know since Regina King is a legit star now it will never happen

charlie murphy was the perfect villain in that show. rip

Thoughts on s6e4?

Boondocks was pretty horrible once McGruder left. Plus, things are so absurd that it couldn’t be effectively mocked.

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John Witherspoon died :frowning:

Did anyone else who watches Adult Swim catch a promo for an upcoming new show featuring (among others) dril from Twitter? Or did I dream that?

Edit nope

This is literally the craziest thing I’ve ever read.


Well, other people watch at 2x speed, but I can’t quite keep up with some dialogue at that speed. I know a lot of people don’t listen to podcasts at normal speed.

Informational, educational podcasts and utubz I get, but, like…

I’ll put it like this: you’ve caught flak for your “too violent” posting but I’m on your side in all that, partially because I agree with some of it but, mainly, because you’ve been misconstrued and that the implicit violence in all politics is not fully grasped. So, with that said, watching an entertainment show at 1.5x speed does make me think you might actually be a deranged psycho killer.


I made it through 3.5 episodes of Castle Rock S2. I will not be going any further. First season was a lot of fun, but this one is just awful. Like it was written as fanfic by a middle school kid. Sorry writers, I can’t suspend that much disbelief or ignore that much stupid.

It seems weird to say this about a visual medium like television, but I am generally not a visually-oriented person. Things like cinematography and special effects aren’t why I watch TV and movies.

I read faster than most people. Why shouldn’t I watch entertainment faster?

Because comic timing does not take into account fast forwarding.

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You can watch it however you like, but it’s definitely weird. Most people derive their enjoyment of the arts by approaching the work as a whole, the way the creators intended. You’re just consuming it as raw information.

That sort of makes sense for podcasts because most of the time raw information is the only thing that matters. In other, more creative mediums the raw info is just a skeleton that supports everything else.

You can learn all the important bits of T. E. Lawrence’s role in the Arab Revolt in just a few minutes on Wikipedia. But those facts aren’t what makes Lawrence of Arabia one of the greatest movies ever made. The facts aren’t why people still flock to theaters a half a century later to watch something three hours long that they’ve already seen multiple times.

If you watch Lawrence of Arabia at 1.5x speed you’ll get the general story, a feel for the massive cinematic scope, and probably some of the emotional impact. But you won’t get Lawrence of Arabia the way everybody else does. You’ll be having a different experience, one which largely misses the whole point of watching the movie in the first place.

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I’m of two minds on the Netflix speed question. I listen to all podcasts at 2x. 1x audio sounds bizarre to me now.

I can see watching documentaries faster but maybe not narrative film.

I mean why even bother watching at 1.5x? Read the screenplay in 20 minutes and move on with your day.

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Anyone seen Dolomite yet?

It’s alright. Very happy to see Eddie Murphy working again.