The Television Streaming Thread: Now With Felonies

Cool thanks… I’ll watch this at some point as I’ve a lot to catch up on


  1. The Queens Gambit
  2. Zerozerozero
  3. The Boys

Is on my list 1st though :grin:

Hmm. So not a fan of Trial 7. Perhaps you would enjoy Trial 4? :P

I can barely watch Kidman due to the botox. Watching her trying to talk is almost painful for me. Plus I find it sad that actresses feel as though they need to distort their looks this heavily. It’s reassuring to see wrinkles on people on tv. Don’t take that away from us.


Finished The Queens Gambit. I hope it brings a lot of kids into the game because it’s so rich and subtle and teaches analytical thinking and decision making, but the series was a predictable dud for me.

The Undoing is far more like it imo. It’s all hanging nicely in the balance and Kidman is stealing it from the usual Grant performance. In fact whoever the actor is playing their kid is a better actor than Hugh fucking Grant.

I have to say I found the first half of The Queen’s Gambit more enthralling than the last. I still enjoyed it though.

10 posts were split to a new topic: Industry

Furio is my fav character so far. Almost through S2.


This episode Tony got food poisoning and he keeps farting and I watch with subtitles and it’s hilarious

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Last week tonight great, crushes the voter fraud stuff and there’s a surprise at the end

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The Crown Season 4 is fantastic - I’m halfway through already.


Ok there’s a mashup of dragnet and the police and I don’t like it, but it was also like 2002 so they did good

Most recent episode of The Undoing is LIT. Terrific cliffhanger every episode. Me and the wife are having a lot of fun trying to solve the murder week to week. I’m tempted to rewatch the episodes so far and see what might stand out.


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Trace and TV’s Frank from MST3K are riffing on a movie live tomorrow at 8, I expect some of you here are fans of their work. I saw them do a show a few weeks ago, thought it was pretty great.

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Unpopular opinion: MST3K is boring and almost completely unfunny. I’ve tried to watch eps a few times and I don’t get it.

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I’ve never understood the concept of “so bad it’s good”. Nope, it’s just bad.

Oh nah I enjoy “so bad they’re good” movies, and I’ve watched a bunch of Red Letter Media’s Best of the Worst series which is a little like MST3K. I just think MST3K in particular sucks.

You have to be careful with “so bad they’re good” movies though because deliberately bad movies are the most insufferable things ever. True classics of the bad movie genre involve people trying to make good movies and failing horribly (The Room, Samurai Cop, Neil Breen movies, etc). Also enjoyable are movies so camp as to be satires of their own genre (Top Gun, Commando). What is bad is like Troma movies and Sharknado 3 and that kind of shit. Awful.


Some of my favorite TV experiences were watching a few seasons of Walking Dead while following the acerbic comments on the 2+2 TV thread. The logical inconsistencies and ninja zombies and terrible character decision making were pretty funny if you were following along in the thread.


It’s probably better called ‘Bad’ But Enjoyable. And if you don’t actually enjoy them, well, that’s fine, it’s not like ‘enjoyable’ is some objective category.

Yep, just not my thing. There are too many great movies that I haven’t seen to spend time on bad ones.