I know what you told me to do but I only made it a few paragraphs. Jesus, that was wretched
Gentrification achieves that but drives put the minorities
Yes, that’s the concern I’ve had. The thoughts I have had tend to revolve around the idea of putting poor whites in an economic bind where they can’t afford to live anywhere else. I don’t find that idea too appealing.
Jfc this fing guy.
His take on free will is incredibly simplistic.
An actual philosopher has a view more in line with how I feel
Harris’s take on BLM is also pretty skewed by being somebody who clearly has had no negative interaction with the police in his life.
Oh I hadn’t considered this forum’s demonstrated aversion to all available opinion that differs in its conclusions.
I’ll read your article, and be cured later tonight.
Center for Christian Thought. lmao Bob. Do better.
It does seem a bit like an oxymoron.
I’m getting on my treadmill, I’ll be back later and catch up on this thread.
It’s worse, he hasn’t bothered to understand what the actual issues in Ferguson blm are complaining about are before concern trolling.
I don’t watch hour-long Youtube videos.
Holy shit this video is delusional. Really stands the test of time with the now hundreds of documented videos over the past couple months of cops shooting and beating the crap out of people who didn’t lift a finger towards them.
His criticism of BLM can be summed up as “stop resisting.”
Doesn’t discredit the article. Unlike Sam, the guy who wrote it is actually a philosopher rather than a “public intellectual”.
Oh wait you put this up seriously and not for us to point and laugh? My bad. Still smdh tho
We loves ya, rivi, but that Sam Harris guy is up to no good.
Here’s the thing. Slavery wasn’t simply a legal system of property, it was an entire conceptual and cultural system. Legally removing the property system did little to eradicate the conceptual and cultural system of white supremacy, which has been perpetuated, formally and informally, down to today (though with decreasing success due to demographics, legal interventions, and increasing evidence that white supremacy is empirically false). Systemic racism is the continuation or felt legacy of those formal and informal elements, including fewer material, cultural, and social (who you know/social capital) resources, that affect the relative material and social status of certain minority groups.
I write this not as a perfect definition but as a way of understanding how racism can continue to be pervasive even after slavery ended and even after a black man was elected president, even if the n word is discouraged in polite company.
edit/note: this intersects with free market economics, which seeks to demonstrate that outcomes are “rational” and inevitable by assuming away irrelevant (ie, messy) confounding variables, when such variables (eg, starting position and unequal or differently applied “rules”) affect comparative outcomes more than conceptually simple and idealized pure competition.
well, love him or hate him (and this forum’s hate is totally predictable, and not freewill) Harris makes a good argument that outcomes are determined by luck.
apply the freewill concept to the “which decade produced the best music thread,” and it’ll likely spark a moral panic.
did 2 miles, thread did not disappoint.