The systemic racism thread

(extracting this out to a separate topic after seeing another “not sure what thread this belongs in” sort of post, like mine here that was originally in the LC thread)

Black-owned houses are consistently assessed at higher values relative to their sale price across the country, resulting in black families paying excessive property taxes

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It’s likely that is the result of a shorter time as owner on average.

In California it would make a tremendous difference because of prop 10 and California is big enough to effect statistics nationally. But I suspect it’s quite common for an assessment to be triggered upon sale and turnover would result in a more recent assessment that more accurately reflects the current value.

Average age of building might also be a factor. Structures depreciate. Land appreciates usually.

I don’t know where to put this…do we have a general “systemic racism” thread? Put this one down in the “LDO” column:

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I ran across a Trump voter in a FB thread who actually started asking for examples of systemic racism (he, of course, didn’t believe it exists). Seems like these articles would be a good place to start on the off chance you run across people like that.

Also, the wikipedia article on redlining is a good share. I’m not surprised, but definitely saddened, to find out that the vast majority of my white friends (even the progressives) have no idea what redlining was and how it affects housing to this day.


My theory is that the one of the biggest reinforcers of systemic racism is residential segregation. The problem isn’t all-white neighborhoods; the problem is minority neighborhoods which make it easier to target and oppress a lot of minorities with minimal collateral damage to whites.

I often wonder how whites can be induced to move to neighborhoods that are predominantly black.

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Yeah my sister recently learned about redlining and was shocked at the scope of it.

Desus and AOC recently posted about the Bronx fires and a documentary on that which goes into how redlining played a role in that. This article touches on some of the issues those neighborhoods had including fire service being denied to them by the government

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I shared this example with someone who had a similar question on 22 years ago. It did not change their mind.

But Wells Fargo paid a $175M fine less than a decade ago for racial discrimination.

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Obama DoJ reverse racism obviously.

I hesitate to share this here but the article is just so incredibly over the top gross that it needs to be seen and excoriated as loudly and often as possible. Hold down your vomit and read to the end.

A bit cringy at the end, probably because it never happened.

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well, that’s part of the reason it’s so gross. I mean, if you’re gonna make up a story, at least make it so you look good, not like a total douche.

I don’t doubt that he stood next to a black guy outside of a public restroom and maybe exchanged a few awkward pleasantries but everything beyond that seems like total bullshit.

Oh yeah that shit’s bad.

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the last line :nauseated_face: (this is actually the biggest tell for me that it’s fake)

He replied, “Different people, same backgrounds or places we came from. You just taught me not to judge all white males the same.”

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I agree with this which makes it even the worse that Trump is trying to disassemble the few paths we have of integrating public housing into all tiers of neighborhoods.

people in the trump thread kind of dismissed his tweet about the AFFH.

I’m posting Pete tweets because no one else really bothered to respond to Trump’s AFFH tweet.


I don’t mind you posting Pete tweets. Like him or not he’s a pretty big voice in the party. I don’t want to derail this thread so you can pm me if you want, but is there any chatter about where he might be looking to end up? Cabinet, Senate run etc



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