The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Anywhere from 16 to 20 hours, but I’m getting entertained and educated and get to brag to my wife when I get double-digit hearts on a post, so it’s not a waste of time.


Yup. My theory is elections are won by which side’s partisans yell the loudest. Political ckntent is a small part of most people’s social media feeds. Most people either tldr other people’s political posts or actively get upset if someone tries to expose them to politics. Cutting through that is difficult and makes it impossible to convey anything but the simplest messages.

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I wrote a couple of my congress people regarding the dependent care assistance program because I have a few thousand locked up in ours that I can’t get out and they responded and had a conversation with me about it.

My congress people are democrats though and there’s a small chance they might actually care about people.

You are correct except it is rigged too. Their constituency is more homogeneous and over-represented In states with low populations. So, Rs are playing the game better on a board tilted towards them.

They keep track of how many calls on any given issue. Tons of calls on it will get noticed.

Trump has the built in advantage that he just measures likes and retweets.


ah so the newest GOP derp argument is “the voters in 2018 expanded the GOP senate, therefore we have a mandate to something something”

Obviously this argument depends on the listener not understanding the way senate elections work and that the entire senate isn’t up every 2 years. The obvious way to get straight to the point of this is:

  1. how many seats did republicans win in 2018? Answer: 11
  2. how many seats did democrats win in 2018? Answer: 22

(this is also a good place to point out that the democrats beat republicans by 20 points in raw vote share)

  1. lol do you expect me to believe that the same people who kicked your ass out of the house also wanted you to run wild in the senate? foh

LOL engaging whatever bullshit they spew, may as well argue with Q supporters in the Facebook comments

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this is essentially i believe what Mitchs statement said, found it, see below.

In the last midterm election before Justice Scalia’s death in 2016, Americans elected a Republican Senate majority because we pledged to check and balance the last days of a lame-duck president’s second term

“yes because you won on a great map on 1/3 of the available seats, that means americans elected a repub majority, fuck off bro”, also lol at check and balance

Trump had a whole website set up to mail bricks to Congresspeople.

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The Republican position is if they control the Senate, they are no longer going to confirm any SCOTUS nominees from Dem presidents. Period.

The next time around there will be some other lame reason (he/she is a radical!).


This asshole had an hour every night on MSNBC.

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Fortunately he folded before you’re pony ran off

Just gave this post its 10th heart. Go brag dlk, you deserve it!


I generally agree although I do think there is some wiggle room at the margins. Enthusiasm matters, and in just a few days the narrative has changed from nonstop talk about Trump’s failures to deal with Covid to nonstop talk about Trump ramming through a conservative SC seat against the weak objections of the limp wristed ineffectual liberals. It matters.


They used to be informal polls for how constituents felt on an issue and could matter until Rs decided in 2017 that their liberal constituents crying was actually a good thing.

“Punts” sounds a lot better than I was expecting.

The fact that he didn’t say “hell no” right away might not be the worst sign?


I think it’s a perfect response. It’s what they should all be saying!


Definitely the right strategic move to not telegraph your intentions.

I would have expected a good tongue lashing for even suggesting such malarkey (Manchin is a dumber version of Biden in my head).

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