The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

It’s this. In theory there’s a threshold where it actually matters, like there was genuine pressure with the ACA repeal and the outrage. But very few are actually persuadable anyway.

A punt from him seems amazing for us. Pretty sure he’s on the record against nuking the filibuster and all about the norms in the “world’s greatest deliberative body.” If he’s punting now, he’s at least open to considering packing the court.

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I do think that if the senate is 50/50 and the dems have 49 votes to expand the court (probably not super likely), Joe Manchin isn’t going to be the guy that stands in the way. Just a feeling.

FYI Manchin is now also on record that we need to wait till after the election to confirm a new Supreme Court nominee. We still need Mitt Romney + 1 more or a senator gets the COVID, but we’re not quite drawing dead yet.

I’ve been thinking about this and it is probably a moot point. Secrets don’t exist in 2020. NPR ran a story this morning on court packing.


Same age as RBG. Could we run any worse.

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Wow, Feinstein coming in to the right of Manchin.

She’s just worried about her reelection in 2024 when she would be 91 years old.


lolololol California

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Btw the confirmation hearing for Barrett is going to be crazy. Will Kamala go nuts or try to be restrained considering all the attention will be on her?

I’m sure most of them won’t say anything useful.

Holy shit she’s a senator until 2024? FUCK I forgot she got re-elected in 2018.

Yeah I guess that kills my dream of us actually doing the right things and saving democracy. Old people are the fucking worst.

lol imagine a CA senator thinking that

God I hope she’s just playing it close to the vest, but I also know shes fucking terrible so probably not

For being our most liberal state, CA has an abysmal congressional delegation. At least they’ve got Lee and Lieu

This is another reason the GOP wins. They don’t tolerate dissent.

My staffers piss me off. I throw staplers at them. That is how it works.


Not sure which side she is advocating for here.

In good news, Facebook has weighed in and really put their immense power to good use:


KLOB later clarified she was arguing the president elect should pick but what an lol awful tweet


I honestly can’t believe people are still debating ITT whether the GOP is seating another justice. Whether it’s before or after the election, they’re going to do it. If somebody wants to bet some cash money on that seat still being open on the day of the next inauguration I would be a very willing participant.


Yes. The only way to change the size of the court is through legislation.