The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I assumed you were born there. Who moves to Ohio?


Manchinā€™s only going to vote yes if his vote is irrelevant come on.

You are right though, there is no fourth vote.

Lol moving TO Ohio.


Grassley already said he wouldnā€™t.

Lol at that meaning he canā€™t go back on his word tho.

Edit: oh, he said it BEFORE she diedā€¦that means zilch

We only have 2 claims right now

Amazing. Got me fired up.

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Memorials today for RBG

For contrast, this was the memorial for Scalia


Scalia memorial is perfect except for the fact that there was a memorial at all.


You donā€™t understand. Obamacare is the FEDERAL government oppressing people. State governments oppressing (those) people is how itā€™s supposed to work.

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A welcome contrast, except there should be more stones for RBG.


Itā€™s a reverse brain drain, cushy jobs and low living expenses. As long as you donā€™t mind having an apartment next to scary Muslims and black people, itā€™s pretty cool in the Rust Belt. I was born in the Midwest FWIW, but not Ohio.

Fuckton Fucky

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Weā€™re down to Gardner, who is not likely to defect imo despite the electoral implications. So far on all these major issues heā€™s toed the line and made the base play. But heā€™s not saying yet.

My read on this is that Murkowski and Romney are actually principled and do what they think is right, and Mitch canā€™t do much about it.

Collins is Collins, sheā€™ll do his bidding but sheā€™s going to play her games and pretend to be doing the right thing, but would rather do it in the lame duck if possible. Gardner is making a pure political calculation - heā€™s probably waiting on the poll he surely has in the field.

The only other one I havenā€™t seen bad news on is Sullivan whoā€™s polling in a dead heat in Alaska. But I do not expect to get him.

I think theyā€™re going to start the hearings right away and confirm in the lame duck. That maximizes Collins chances in the election because she can speak out loudly against confirming a justice to get that independent moderate cred then vote yay on 11/4 or whatever.

The only way we win this is to pull out all the stops to gum up the works until Kelly is sworn in. Impeach Barr, DeJoy and Trump. Then sue in the DC federal district to try to force an immediate trial and hope to draw liberal justices on the panel, who maybe just maybe help you put the stall on. Pull all the procedural tricks in the book to slow down the Senate, and then cap it off by escorting protesters in.

If you can get Kelly in so itā€™s 52-48, then hold Murkowski and Romney, Susan Collins is the swing vote. Obviously sheā€™s going to fuck us if she wins, but if she loses thereā€™s a tiny chance she decides to pull a McCain and get her independent legacy back. 25 to 1?

Overall odds of blocking this are maybe 150 to 1, if Iā€™m being really optimistic.

But the best case scenario for Dems is win the WH and Senate and then have the GOP put her on anyway. That gives you the green light to pack the court, nuke the legislative filibuster, and make Mitch cry.

Win the WH under current conditions with unavoidable cheating: 40%
Win the Senate, assuming we win WH: 60%
Have them then put the justice on anyway: 70%
Dems actually do what needs to be done: 25%.

So about a 4% chance of total victory and a 96% chance of disaster.

Who has a one time left?

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Please tell me you play for the Cavs or the Blue Jackets.


I think I have my political one time still available. This seems like the right time to put it to use.

Dear non-existent god,
I hereby request to submit my ā€œone-timeā€ to be used for the following parlay:
-Biden wins the election and actually gets to take office
-Dems gain control of the Senate.
-Dems pack the court, regardless of whether or not the Rs ram through a right wing nut job.

That is all, thank you. Amen.


The stuff everywhere online about RBGā€™s physical attractiveness is so fucking cringy. People also do it for young Hillary. The centre-left is so fucking embarrassing sometimes. Asserting that these women are ā€œbeautiful inside and outā€ is so twisted and counter-productive and stupid.

We could probably have an hours long discussion on when it is and isnā€™t appropriate, but obviously the issue is that itā€™s way too often done when itā€™s not appropriate. In this context I think if you watched an hour long documentary on JFK or RFK youā€™d probably hear a mention of their ā€œboyish good looksā€ or something.

I think if RBGā€™s appearance when she was younger is to be discussed it should be in the context of ā€œHereā€™s this tiny person, physically, who was an absolute giant in her field and in her intellect. How many men looked past her because of her gender and unassuming physical presence, only to watch her be one of the most influential and powerful Americans of all time?ā€

To counter balance a scale with Scalia, you would need, what, three of her? Four of her? But in this massive building with these huge pillars, in this sexist society, she was a titan.

Her appearance is also iconic, girls dressed up like her at the Womenā€™s March. Black robe, big glasses? Say no more. We know who that is.

FWIW this is the first mention Iā€™ve seen of her attractiveness literally ever my life, so Iā€™m not sure what was said where to cause a reaction online.

Thatā€™s a three-time, you ungrateful human.


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Currently number 5 pic on the front page of the internet. The comments are mostly a lovely mix of nazis and centrist losers. Seen similar threads about Hillary for years.

That is running bad.

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6/10 at best, out of respect for the dead I will not go into any detail. RIP.

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