The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Now young Scalia? What a hunk!

*not technically Antonin, but 100% Scalia

What does 6/10 refer to? I’m probably giving you the benefit of the doubt and being naive because quantifying someones looks in the moment we are in would be a fucking abysmal take and would be the exact opposite of “respect for the dead.”

FuncrusherPlus, name checks out, 10/10 accuracy, would scold again.

That’s exactly what he’s doing. Meet SenorKeed, he’s been awful for years.

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It’s also a lie because she was ugly on the outside ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I think the pic is stunning which is really besides the point.

You think judging someone’s exterior aesthetics in this very moment is fun? I actually had you pegged as someone dropping informed, though unpopular, takes that acted as pragmatic anchors in a sea of progressives.

This post is extremely disappointing.

The post was satirical, poking fun at someone who actually would unironically do such a thing. Obviously it’s stupid to critique a recently deceased person’s looks. Thought the follow up post calling Scalia a hunk would tip people off, and it took me like ten minutes to find a Hot Scalia picture!


My bad. My self righteousness sometimes gets the best of me. Probably need a break from message boards.


No worries, satire isn’t always easy to see on the internet and I guess it doesn’t fit in with the tone and mindset of the thread. My fault probably.

  1. The RBG documentary was really good.

  2. I moved to Ohio 10 years ago and don’t play for the Cavs, Reds, or Bengals. LOL me.


I’ve never once heard of the “Blue Jackets”. Checks Google…yep, 2000 is when I pretty much stopped paying attention to sports.

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He’s not naming the nominee until Friday, seems the vote may be after the election. They must think it will help electorally to wait.

Strategically, seating a new justice before the election is a mistake if you believe that it will lead to retaliation via further unraveling of ‘norms’ and ‘traditions’. These norms (like not creating new states just because you can) all serve to entrench the status quo and inherently favor conservatives.

I can’t see how putting these in jeopardy is worth pushing a 5-4 edge to 6-3 when you are still 25% to win the election anyways. Also, there’s no coherent argument that this helps the GOP’s electoral chances, and some arguments that it hurts. Like there is some theoretical evangelical voter that does not like Trump and now gives themselves permission to sit this one out.

This might sound sarcastic, but it’s not. What’s the difference between him nominating someone right now vs on Friday? I’m failing to understand the leap to they must be voting to confirm after the election.

It only helps electorally to wait if you say that the confirmation depends on the outcome of the election. If you say this and then break your word, then it provides even more permission for the Dems to retaliate. Seems worse strategically.

In any case, I don’t think this impacts the election much one or way or another. I really think the main variable here in terms of strategy is how likely is it that the Dems will retaliate. If you believe that pushing through the Justice has any material impact on things like removing the filibuster, adding states, etc then it doesn’t seem like it’s worth it. If you are pretty sure the Dems won’t do anything either way, then getting it done before the election seems superior.

I’m assuming they will at least go through the motions of “vetting,” holding hearings, etc. Leaving basically 30 days, at a time when several members need to go home to campaign, means it would have to be easily the fastest confirmation ever. Obviously possible but if they were hell bent on jamming this through pre-election they wouldn’t wait a week to announce for no reason.


Aren’t most (if not all?) of the senators who need to go home and campaign vulnerable Republicans?

This is yet another example of “they seem really sure they’re going to win.” Hopefully they’re just arrogant and stupid but who knows.

To me it is a slam dunk to get a loyalist on the court before the election to change the swing vote from Roberts to Gorsuch for any election-related litigation. Waiting - to gain a possibly non-existent electoral advantage in a race you’re losing - doesn’t make sense, especially considering it will be even MORE offensive to Democrats if a right wing judge is confirmed after a Biden victory.

Either they don’t care about the blowback because they think the Democrats are pussies who won’t actually do anything (probable) or they think they’re going to win so who cares how bad it looks (possible).

Even in these dark times it’s nice to find ways to LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

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I see no reason why Mitch couldn’t do the hearing in a week, he’s got plenty of time.