The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Abortion seems like a slam dunk for 5-4 the other way. Probably faithless electors too.

Possibly on abortion. I think JR might rule with the libs on this one to maintain the court’s image since it’s a carbon copy of that Texas case from a couple years ago. He’s good at playing the long game and he knows he has literally decades to do all kinds of fuckery, so no need to rush. On the faithless electors one, I have no clue how it’s gonna shake out.

How is Thomas so bad at this? He’s like a QB handing the ball off to the linebacker and then blaming it on the running back.

I am going to lose my mind when they they completely reverse the Whole Woman’s Health decision. Alito or Kavanaugh will write the opinion, which might as well just say, “Suck it Libs - elections have consequences”

I think one of the things that people tend to do is assume that groups they aren’t a part of are monolithic. IRL of course they are just as fractious and riddled with factions as the groups we are a part of.

I think that the members of the SC do not see themselves as supporting characters in this story. Each of them sees themselves, and their own careers/legacy as the most important thing to them personally. That means they are aware of the political situation and how likely it is that them pushing too hard/fast right now could get the court packed by 2024. Nobody wants to be the guy who shit the bed and ruined a good thing by getting greedy. Not when he’s got a lifetime appointment which incentivizes a person to take the longest view possible.



If Kavanaugh writes it, sure. But if it’s Alito, it’ll be my version, in crayon and Comic Sans.

I’ve always thought it would be an amusing troll to write an essay that applies conservative methods of statutory construction to the Bible.

im pretty sure the jews have a 2000 year tradition of biblical hermanutics.

where do you think crazy ass orthadox jews come from?

Call me crazy but I don’t think they overturn Roe v Wade. That law’s been around almost 50 years now. And I don’t think the GOP wants them to overturn it. They want their base riled up, not the Dems.


Yeah overturning Roe is basically the coyote catching the road runner. Nothing left to obsess over and it turns out he’s kinda tough and gristly anyway.


They’ll never overtly overturn Roe v Wade. They will, however, put a ton of restrictions on abortion that effectively ban it even though it’s technically legal.


Call me crazy, but if Republicans don’t want something, that kind of makes me want to do it.

It would be funny to see conservatives get angry at Biden for wanting to ban abortion.

In theory, yes, but not this specific issue. Women’s reproductive rights (with spillover to issues in minority populations) isn’t the issue to play political chess with.

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It must be so confusing to love a black man so much.

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I don’t think so, deplorables live to have one or two black people they can hold out as evidence that they’re not really racist. Thomas is basically his token black friend for judicial matters.


Yeah, I don’t think most people make the connection, though. Tons of Christian attorneys I know ascribe to Scalia’s methodology, but take wild liberties with their interpretations on the Bible. I think it would be an entertaining way to draw out the absurdity of it by applying it to a document supposedly written/inspired by an all-powerful being in which immutable universal truths are revealed. Lulz

In the words of Don Draper, people want to know that what they’re doing is ok. Even if it’s not. Enter Clarence Thomas.