The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

RBG/Breyer concurred.

RBG most overrated Justice of all time?

Nothing matters

I don’t know anything about this case but trashing RBG seems next level nuts. She might GOAT.

Thanks RBG for handing a victory to the Stephen Millers of the world. I’m sure the former vice president of the Obama administration, which deported record numbers and constructed the immigrant cages that were promptly handed over to Trump and Miller, will appoint someone better.

Imagine calling someone the GOAT when they weren’t one of the two justices that voted against this travesty.

Sorry for the purity test but you gotta be pretty pure to be called the GOAT.

Also she didn’t step down during Obama’s term.

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That Stephen Miller wants it does not make it unconstitutional but, also, the US Constitution is not a just document.

To be called the GOAT, you just need to be better than everyone else. If she has flaws, she’s still the GOAT if she has fewer flaws than anyone else. The most compelling argument that she is not the GOAT would be to supply an alternative candidate, like the first John Marshall Harlan or William Brennan.

Wait not 100% of the time, in something as complex as a SCOTUS case, a judge might vote against my only partly informed opinion of what I think is the right answer?



SCOTUS shouldn’t be partisan! But also my side should never cross the line!


The purity people honestly think they should be partisan.

Appeal to authority


Ad hominem

Quite impressive really.

Not surprised the Canadian doesn’t care about pipelines on indigenous land though.

Rotfl. I’ve spent literally 20 years working on pipelines and indigenous issues. It’s literally my career.

Good read though.

Wow you’ve based your entire career on purity unbelievable

Any progressive who has been to law school recently-- basically, nobody at least when they enter, law school is intolerable for people with feelings-- knows that Sotomayor is the GOAT. And still flawed. RBG has a lot of stinkers, but a lot of just savage opinions.


You forgot begging the question and correlation not equal causation.


Listened to the 5-4 podcast on qualified immunity and that might be the best case to show why WAAF I’ve heard in awhile. I basically learned that at least 7 of the current justices (including RBG) are in favor of police officers and other government officials being able to do whatever they want to whoever they want, regardless of the damages, and think it’s crazy that we would ever question their actions. Cops completely destroy your house because they think a wanted person is hiding in there? RBG says you should thank the police because they have a tough job, and figure out how to deal with your bombed out house yourself.


TIL that we want RBG out as soon as possible so Trump can get another seat filled with someone more competent.