The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I would love it if my gambling forum existed for this one. I would shovel money against the last sentence in your post.

Who said they want her out?

This a stupid post and you should stop making stupid posts.

No one said this at all.

Take the rest of the night off from posting and be better tomorrow.


She was called the most overrated justice of all time. Not exactly like he took a huge leap suggesting the same people would want her out.

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Not ā€œsuper over ratedā€ ā€œmost over rated all timeā€.

Please share your most overrated Justice of all-time. Iā€™ll hang up and listen.

No idea. Obviously you were being hyperbolic for effect. We all do that. Me more than most.

Iā€™m just saying itā€™s not a huge leap to go from most over rated all time to wants her out. The latter is also obviously hyperbolic for effect.

Youā€™re not the boss of me.

Are they being hyperbolic? Are there any other justices that get SNL sketches around them being cool/progressive? Movies? T-shirts? Its not even close!

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Why do you want Trump to replace her?

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Hugo Black.

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There are a lot of justices more overrated than RBG. For example, anyone who believes Alito to be a human being with any right to exist is massively overrating him more than itā€™s possible to overrated RBG.


Iā€™m skimming the Breyer/Ginsberg concurrence and it is made clear that their decision is just about this particular case and not to be applied to undocumented aliens generally. Not sure if that means it wonā€™t be used the same as if they didnā€™t say that* and I donā€™t agree with it because fuck borders.

Case involved someone who only made it 25 yards into the US.

*Sotomayor said ā€œTodayā€™s decision handcuffs the Judiciaryā€™s ability to perform its constitutional duty to safeguard individual liberty and dismantles a critical component of the separation of powers.ā€

Lol at this post getting likes. Babies.



They are the living embodiment of a moustache twirling cartoon villain.

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I mean, which part do you disagree with? Do you think that police havenā€™t destroyed peoples homes later claiming qualified immunity resulting in the homeowner having no recourse? Or do you think that RBG didnā€™t just vote to deny cert against a handful of cases involving qualified immunity?

I think there is zero chance she ever said anything remotely like people should thank the police for destroying their home and shut up and fix it themselves.