The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Lol in case it wasn’t clear, I don’t actually believe people here want RBG gone during Trump’s term.

And I’M the one who got their feelings hurt? Gmafb. Calm down dude, things are going to be ok.

This like a parody of a team purity post. Lol


RBG is the Derek Jeter of Justices. Deserves to be in the HOF, but not first ballot with 100% of the vote like many people believe. It’s crazy how much notoriety she gets while Sotomayor is basically ignored and taken for granted.

How do you think Trump’s replacement would have ruled on the recent DACA and LGBTQ decisions?

Don’t blame me, my favorite current justice is Breyer.

Sotomayor is like Bernie Williams?


“A couple million times smaller” will be pretty damn close to zero for most human-accessible nominal values of X.

In reality, the gap between RGB and Amy Coney Barrett for instance is much bigger than the gap between RGB and Sotomayor. So yea just a silly claim all around.

To be fair, the X-axis on pocketchads graph measuring progressive goodness has 4 trillion gradations so a couple million isn’t much.

Why are you guys being so intentionally obtuse about this, jesus. You’ve been doing it in so many threads lately, like it’s your mission to take everything someone lefter* than you says and try to spin it with some sort of “OH SO YOU LIKE TRUMP NOW??” gotcha.

*I acknowledge that this is a stupid term, but hopefully you can understand my point without vomiting all over the place.


It might have something to do with there being an election in 3 months that will literally determine whether the next Supreme Court justice is someone similar to RBG or Trump’s replacement. And when a supposed leftist comes in here and tells us that the difference is much smaller than we think, yea it makes me pull my fucking hair out.

Even nice people like RBG are white supremacists and that’s the problem. The Supreme Court desegregated the schools, and white people including, no especially, nice liberals systematically resegegrated them by buying their way into “good schools” and pricing blacks out of them. So RBG is a cop lover… no surprise…

This is weird take. We are the ones saying RBG is nothing like the right or trump appointees.

The thing we keep pointing out is that the far left here plays way too fast and loose with the false equivalency between dems and the trump admin. It’s a dangerous and empirically false claim.


I’m not yet convinced that Ginsberg is on the wrong side here.

Bernie is the man. I always get pissed the Core 4 don’t include him in their little group. Posada had 14 at bats in 1996 while Bernie was pretty much the team MVP.


RBG is rabidly in favor of entrenching the police state, aka the biggest tool of white supremacy.

It is important to defeat Trump so that we at least have a chance to desegregate society in the future, but if we get there it will be in spite, not because of, people who grew up w/ white supremacy deep in their bones, like RBG.

Really? I hope that’s true but I hear a lot of people like oh for example in the interview we watched together yesterday extremely invested in downplaying the significance.

RBG is mainly getting so much attention now not because she’s some left-wing visionary, but because we’ve been needing her to keep hanging on by a thread for the latter part of the past decade.

As a lawbro just letting you know I appreciated this post.

The bigger point here is mostly that I do have concerns that if Biden wins and if the Dems take back the Senate, he’s going to nominate more Breyers and Kagans (and to a lesser extent RBGs) and not more Sotomayors or god forbid a true progressive Justice like a Marshall or a Brennan. Hell, he might even nominate more people like Roberts because the Senate is so close. That doesn’t really do us a ton of good in the long run. We’ve been somewhat saved because Republicans have only been able to put a handful of true believers on the Court. We need to make sure not to make the same mistake.

This is why I get so frustrated. There is literally zero evidence for this. The most liberal justices on the court have been put their while he was either a senator or VP. He has made one claim only about the court and that is to put a black women on the bench.

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GOP rams through a 45 year old rapey idealouge, Dems negotiate against themselves to probably nominate a moderate who will be painted as a communist and still may not get confirmed. Same as it ever was.