The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

RBG, Sotomayor, and Kagan are on the court. How did they get there?

Convince me that Sotomayor is better than Breyer.

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I think a really good slogan would be We Are Ready To Compromise On Your Behalf.


The interesting thing about that first graph is it looks like the time trend it to more liberal, even for conservative justices. I wonder if the math would actually show that.

Looks like the tax returns ruling is coming this week. What’s the consensus opinion on how this should go? I just listened to some lawbro claim that the law is so stacked against Individual 1 that he wouldn’t be surprised to see 9-0*. What are the odds they were tipped off in advance of the result leading to the botched firing of Berman? He was the one pushing this case which also exposes Deutsche Bank afaik.


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Well, Breyer wrote the abortion one so the good guys won that one.


People about to get the death penalty for knocking down statues

lol Roberts, imagine how much of a disappointment he must be to Republicans everywhere. Can’t even get abortion right.

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UPers will roast me, but I have a lot of respect here. In WWH, he dissented and sided against the clinics. But in this case, his vote is that–even though he believes the WWH case was wrongly decided–it’s now settled law and absent unusual circumstances, there’s no reason to change it.

Gonna wait until tonight to read the actual opinions in order to keep my sanity and get some work done.

It’s the pinnacle, the ultimate lawbro rationale

JFC all four morons filed separate dissenting opinions

we get it, you hate women

So no tax returns today?


but Roberts upheld CFPB’s right to exist, but the director must be removable by the President

If Thomas was making a principled case, I think it’s the most interesting one. (Basing this on what he said in the past, haven’t read this one.) Why should doctors and clinics have standing to oppose the law - they’re not the ones directly harmed?

Obviously I understand why this doesn’t make sense in practice, as a pregnant woman would be the only one with standing, and no individual would be able to maintain standing under that definition for the entirety of a lawsuit. But I think it’s useful to articulate why standing is so different in these cases than it is in virtually all other cases.

Short-term I think this is good in that we can axe Trump’s person on day one. Long-term, lol unitary executive theory.

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he mad


Yup, Alito retains the title of my most hated justice.

Thinking about getting this screenshot blown up to poster-size to cheer me up on depressing days.

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Gorsuch’s whole dissent is basically gaslighting nonsense asserting that the law is actually good news for…the women of Louisiana.