The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Are Mormons hardcore pro life? I’d assume so but I don’t actually know

Narrator: Instead, everyone was pissed their taxes went up by 1% so the Dems lost both houses.


Let’s get the majority and take our chances IMO. Too much needs to be done too urgently to wait two more years.



I don’t think Manchin will defect unless it doesn’t matter. If it’s like the Kavanaugh vote, where they had the 50 votes without him, he might.

No way they raise taxes before 2022

Narrator can fuck off I need this to have hope

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lol he wasn’t even replying to somebody

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Whatever “grassroots” backlash following a legitimate dem victory in 2020 would be breathlessly reported by the media as a major and valid political movement, and really pull the wind out of the sails of step 1a of any major dem plans. Tea party will be nothing compared with whatever happens next.

My guess is our upper 25% scenarios include something like this: political gridlock causing the status quo to proceed unabated, somewhat less cruel and careless of an executive, and a 6-3 SCOTUS that feels emboldened to strike down ACA/Roe v Wade.

The bottom 75% scenarios aren’t worth contemplating. Those are why we’re all donating shittons and volunteering for Dems.

They don’t have to vote on it that day.

They waited 8 days before arguments started after Clinton.

They could do justice confirmation in between the trials.

If it were immediate, then yeah, just transmit new articles as soon as they acquit each time and keep them busy, but it doesn’t work like that. Mitch sets the schedule.

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I’m getting a little agitated by the focus on Murkowski/Collins/Romney. There is no chance the seat isn’t getting filled. None. The carefully crafted statements about “before the election” and “not supporting” are clear indicators of what’s going to happen. Not a single Republican has firmly stated they will vote no before inauguration.

I’m listening to AOC and Schumer’s news conference right now and both of them are encouraging people to call Republican senators. I mean, I get it, I’m not suggesting we give up. But this constant, desperate desire on the left to convince Republicans to do the right thing when they absolutely won’t is pathetic and destructive at this point. It misleads people about what could actually make a difference.

Any effort spent pressuring the other side would be better spent pressuring our own side imo. So while I’m sympathetic to the game theory idea of not talking about court packing… I kinda think we should talk about court packing. I don’t trust for a second that Democrats will do it without pressure from the bottom up. Sure, maybe Biden and Schumer should keep quiet on it, but I’d like to see everyone else shouting about it from the rooftops.


Without the mandate how do you do coverage for preexisting conditions?

Without it I just don’t have insurance until I get cancer or some other major thing and then I buy insurance and they have to pay for it.

You need a mandate if you aren’t going full universal health care (what we should be doing).

The mandate is already gone. The idea is that the policies are subsidized enough to make them ev+ so you don’t need the mandate. It’s working ok so far.

I am by no means giving Chuck Schumer credit for having this strategy, but there is definitely a case to be made for exactly what Democrats are doing.

They all know the seat is getting filled, but obviously they can’t say “welp, we’re screwed, no hope, sorry to all our voters.” They have to appear to fight even when they know its hopeless.

What they absolutely should not do is telegraph their response if they gain power. If they are 100% to pack the court and add senators there is zero reason to say it out loud right now. Persuadable voters (lol at them existing) aren’t voting on that. The people that care are all already turning out to vote D. And its best to keep Mitch thinking theyre the same old impotent cowards they’ve always been (which is possible/probable).

The best strategy probably includes having a few moderate D Senators express reservations about ending the filibuster, only to have them drop the hammer in February. I have exactly zero faith Democrats are even considering such things.


I mean, obviously her resources relative to others make those choices possible, not that I would ever expect the media to point that out.


If you can’t just draw up a sane healthcare system because a few party members are corrupt then government continues to subsidize all of the so called “moochers,” and increase taxes/the deficit to pay for it until the conservatives are the ones begging for Medicare for All. You do know the individual mandate is gone now, right?

We should be the compassionate party, not the one berating people for “sticking” corporatized healthcare with the bill because they didn’t want to get bent over by health insurance companies.

I tried to tell you guys it was a done deal. It’s time to focus energy on what comes next, not this seat.