The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Trying to get Joe Manchin to play ball is not the answer.

It is to win more seats so his vote doesn’t matter, then put him on all the worst committees.


I admire her too much to do the kinky shit I’m into.


I mean obviously but thats super unlikely in 2020 right? Like what are the chances we have a 2 or 3 seat majority?

Though I guess even with a 1 seat majority we could do it without Manchin and just use Kamala as the tie breaker.

I just want us to get enough shit done to really crush in 2022 when the map favors us.

Doesn’t matter what crimes are committed GOP is not impeaching a conservative justice. He could be on tape raping children and it wouldn’t matter.

If trump wins, or “wins”, and they get their 6-3 super majority there genuinely may not be 2022 elections that actually matter. The voter suppression, gerrymandering, and straight up rigging of votes or otherwise cheating will make it impossible for any Dem to win for the foreseeable future.


Obv I’m talking about if Biden wins. If Trump wins with a 6-3 supreme court it’s ball game. No " maybe " it’s over and even if dems won the senate it wouldn’t matter. Trump will be allowed to legislate through executive order. He will legit be a king.

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Ah ok. I misread your post as dems crushing in 2022 regardless of 2020 presidential result.



This seems like the perfect spot for ranked choice.

I’ll believe it when I see it. If there is a debate, he’d better go hard on pre-existing conditions.


I don’t, honestly. The party out of power winning in the midterms is like a mortal lock in the current climate. Americans have the attention spans of flies.

The senate map might be favorable in 2022, but there is no way in hell Democrats are going to gain seats in the house (assuming Biden wins). I’d put money on them losing the house completely. Certainly the Democrats should not count on being able to do anything after 2022. They need to strike fast if they actually gain power.

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Thinking about Joe Manchin makes me wonder if we should be lobbying Republicans like Murkowski and Romney to go Independent and caucus with the Dems. Both are popular enough in their home states that they don’t really need the Republican Party. Both are also about as liberal as we could hope for in those states anyway.


We’re drawing live to:

49 yays
50 nays
1 pidgin

He’ll switch parties.

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Like put an obviously corrupt guy into office on the presumption he’ll present an easy impeachment and conviction?

In a mischievous universe, imagine Dems let Trump narrowly win, thinking he would easily be the first president in history to be impeached and removed from office. And it would be a GOP president. It’s naive enough to not be totally impossible. Which is why that is both probably true and why we will probably soon see Justice Kushner.

That’d be better for us in terms of 2022 which is what I’d be worried about. Plus he’d be DOA as a republican so sounds like a bad move. He would be instantly primaried in his first run as a Republican. This is Trumps party now, no moderate is winning shit lmao. He will lose the Republican primary to a Qanon supporter.

He’d be way better off taking a nice position working for bloomberg or some shit

Is there any realistic chance Manchin sticks with the Dems on this? If he stays and Murk and Collins defect, Dems would only need to flip one vote. Maybe Romney flips or they take too long and Mark Kelly gets elected. idk, I’m grasping at straws here.

How so? Given the disadvantage in the Senate, pushing a vote for Majority Leader away in a state you can’t really win otherwise is a risky move.

On SCOTUS? It’s 53-47 and Pence breaks ties. We need to keep Manchin and flip four.

Forgot about Pence. Yeah, we’re pretty much fucked, I don’t see a fourth Republican breaking ranks and I expect Cocaine Mitch to ram this nomination through ASAP, so Kelly’s not going to come to the rescue. Dems need to hit like three one-outers in a row here.

Because if we have a majority and can’t get shit done 2020 to 2020 we might not do well. But if we don’t have the majority we are going to crush when shit like Roe v Wade and ACA are killed. This supreme court is going to motivate leftists voters like if Trump was still in office, maybe more since this will have such a different impact on so many people. Losing healthcare, losing human rights etc.