The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

The consequences of a loss on that first option are too horrific to imagine, and I think the chances of Democratic follow through on the second are really low.

This is correct.

Lol. Think of the steps necessary for Dems to accomplish this feat:

Win a majority in the Senate and Biden win the WH. Possible but a long shot in the current climate

Nuke the filibuster day 1. Nope, remember Joe Manchin is a thing, but let’s say they do it.

Vote for PR and DC statehood immediately. HAHAHA, you think 50+1 Senators are going to vote to dilute their power? Still, just maybe…

Welcome your new liberal Senate brothers and sisters (while telling Joe Manchin to fuck off forever) and vote to pack the USSC. Obviously in a universe where the 1st 3 happen this actually seems likely.

Of course once the court is packed, feel free to pass federal anti-gerrymandering legislation, a new VRA, and a new CRA.

2021 turns into a progressive dream world, and the leaders of this bold new era in American politics is (checks notes) Joe Biden! Nancy Pelosi! Chuck Schumer!!!

They aren’t even going to nuke the filibuster.


But with perfect info, Mitch knows those guys aren’t going to do anything ever.

So just pick someone and ram them in and let the ball be in the Dems court

In the meantime trump loses the pop vote by 5 million and wins the same three states by 80k again and is president for life.


In my dream scenario Dems win WH + Senate and can’t do it cuz Manchin, but they pick up even more seats in 2022 after Republican supreme court nuke ACA, Roe V Wade, make it legal for employers to discriminate again etc.

Then when a like 5 seat advantage they pack the supreme court and pass a ton of legislation, new packed court strikes down gerrymandering, voter suppression, and Republicans die as a political party for the next 20 years.

And then I marry a perfect 10 who is a billionaire progressive who inherited the money from her Trumpy dad and we spend the rest of my life making love and donating her money to good causes including AOC 2028 presidency win.


Yeah this. Don’t forget the first impeachment it wasn’t even clear if there would be a trial.

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I was optimistic when the Democrats campaigned on health care in 2018 and crushed it. I was sort of assuming they’d use this strategy again in 2020, but so far I haven’t seen much of it.


GOP promising not to vote until after the election, but then voting during the lame duck if Trump loses or they lose the senate seems like the optimal play.

“Yes we promised not to vote on this, but given all the suspected mail in voter fraud, the Dems left us no choice.”


Never saw this coming

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I don’t think the GOP base will accept anything other than them ramming in some batshit crazy judge ASAP.

They all promised to vote on it already though didn’t they? Minus like Collins and Murk.

Does PR even want to be a state?


Seriously though does nobody think this will drive liberal turnout through the roof in 2022? Not the supreme court itself or packing it, but the ACA getting nuked, Roe v wade getting repealed etc. These decisions are going to enrage a ton of people.

The only problem is if they do win a simple majority and don’t get anything done because Manchin, then people might blame them anyways. If its all up to Manchin DNC needs to put insane pressure on him to play ball. Offer him a gig thats mid 6 figures and tell him he needs to fucking play ball. If that motherfucker ruins everything I’m going to be enraged.

most days i don’t want to be a part of my family shrug

Yeah I floated earlier that if Trump loses he might veto all supreme court judges out of pure spite for the GOP and the voters " failing " him

Honestly that is probably likely and they’d have to threaten him to make him play ball.

Joe Manchin’s daughter was CEO of Mylan (the Epipen price gougers). He already got his payoff.

There will be a referendum on Nov. 3rd.

Polls say statehood has a plurality but no majority when status quo, independence or free association are also options.
The referendum is a simple yes/no.


Apparently they’re debating whether to vote before or after the election.

You think theres any chance they can pressure him to play ball or is he going to hold onto power?

I mean they can threaten to withdraw all support and do everything within their power to primary him if he doesn’t. I think thats why a lot of these GOP senators like Collins always vote with the party unless it doesn’t matter. Even if it makes you look bad, it’s better than the party completely turning against you. Thats what the DNC needs to do to Joe if we find ourselves in this position. Winning the majority and getting nothing done because of him could fuck us for generations, but getting shit done could help us stomp 2022 and save this fucking country

Capitalist pig. A true progressive would dream about marrying president AOC, becoming America´s first first husband.

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