The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Republicans lie a lot in public, but how often do they break a backroom deal?

Most of the lower courts that would be in play are Trumpy, though I guess not full of Trump loyalists who could possibly still rule against him.

Yeah people who care deeply about the supreme court like MAH BABIES etc were already getting 100% turnout from Trump.

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I remember something awhile back about dems making a deal with Republicans where they promised to do something and they broke that deal.

Previous thread title was elite.


He was freerolling, though. If Hillary had won, she’d either appoint Garland or some other milquetoast centrist judge. Or maybe he’d block all of her picks for four years.

And what backlash? The Dems didn’t push back in the slightest. It’s only now that it’s too late that they suddenly realize they got robbed. And I don’t see any GOP senators other than Murkowski who seem to be afraid of any blowback.

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He’s talking about the packing of the court. Republicans could have the majority at 5-4, but if they go for 6-3 good chance they lose the majority at 7-6

I don’t see the Dems ever having enough spine to actually pack the courts. I think that’s Mitch’s great insight: that he can toss out all of the norms with zero repercussion from the opposing party.


I saw someone float this. Would this actually work? They could just instantly vote on it and move to ramming the justice through right. Seems like a silly option that wouldn’t do shit.

I dunno we’ve heard from some pretty centrist establishment democrats that they’d be willing. I could see it happen. Especially after this 6-3 rains down some of the horrific decisions they plan on. I mean even fucking sorry ass Schumer alluded to it.

The voters will demand it.

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The Senate has the sole power to hold and schedule the impeachment trial. They could simply schedule the trial after the nominee hearing and vote. Or the Senate could even simply ignore the impeachment.

Is there Soros money available to bribe a Republican or two?


In my wildest dreams it will further lead to bipartisan consensus that the entire Trump presidency was illegitimate and the impeachment of all Trump-appointed judges en masse. LOL


The ACA case being up the week after the election seems like both a curse and a blessing for the Dems.
Since not filling the seat does not seem to be at play, they will have to hammer “your health care is at stake” at every corner. Trump will answer with “I will always protect preexisting conditions”, but this way they can make it about him not having a plan.
“He says he is for you, but what is he actually doing?”. Healthcare is a winning issue. The worst that could happen is for people to focus on the consequences on Roe v. Wade as this issue mobilizes Republicans even more. This would lead to tons of “Trump-shy” Republicans holding their noses and pulling the trigger.
Unfortunately the ruling being a week after the election does not automatically put the issue into public debate. Make a “Joe got the ACA through. Joe will fight for your healthcare. Joe cares.”-ad. Talk about healthcare every chance you get, whether your name is Joe Biden or Jill Downballot. Do it.

Based on this logic, we should want them to fill the seat?

They won’t.

The balance is:

The chance of this one seat being determinative in the outcome of this Presidential election


The chance it wakes up Democratic politicians such that they add DC and Puerto Rico and pack the court.

I think the latter might be worth the risk of the former, but I’m honestly not sure. I think the play is probably to bitch and moan endlessly and not mention court packing, for now. If you go on and on about court packing you give Mitch a chance to adjust and play with perfect information.

Probably. Even in here people seem to be more inclined to talk about court-packing plans. Voters do not care about poltics. They care about their problems.

Every time I see this one I wince.


If another impeachment adds any delay, its a plus.

Throw in a .01% tax cut or like 12 of them. Mitch would have to take it up.

The house certainly has a role to play in packing the senate schedule. Bonus points for the legislation being just slightly controversial amongst fringe gop senators currently running.