The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

That’s pretty special for ActBlue. For Republican super PACs, it’s a Tuesday.

Is there a democratic politician at any rung of the power ladder anywhere near them? Senator, Governer, mayor, dog catcher? Because that’s who they’ll blame. Even if the gop control every aspect of every level of government they’ll blame the deep state.

Case in point. People in the North of England just voted the tory government (who have ruled basically uncontested for over a decade) an enormous 80 seat mandate because they “wanted a change”.

The left thrives on hope and the right on despair. The problem is the right is great at generating the very despair that feeds them. It’s a tough one.


I get the idea, I’d probably have stronger feelings about being forced to allow car insurance companies to profit off my back if it was a massive part of my income and the cost/coverage got noticeably more outrageous every year. It was a compromise with the healthcare/insurance lobbyists and their corrupt D patrons in Congress.

Just a reminder here that the behavior “telling people that you are hurting that if they leave you then they will end up with someone worse” is straight out of the Narcissist Handbook. This is just who he is.

Agreed, I said the other day there’s zero benefit for them to confirm a judge before the election.

I figured it would be to steal the election if it goes to the supreme court but have since learned it’d be 4-4 now and kicked to the lower courts and Republicans control all but one of the main lower courts this could get kicked too.

Thats so fucked. We’re super fucked. The theory that Trump will have ICE seize mail in ballots seems a lot more plausible now because the lower Trumpy courts will rule in his favor obv.

You don’t need a Facebook account to do that.

Someone on Twitter floated an idea similar to the Gang of Eight where a bipartisan group of Senators could get together and agree to block any confirmation before inauguration in exchange for blocking a court-packing scheme.

I wonder what Mitch take is on the possibility of dems packing the court. Does he think its likely if he does this? Does he have a scheme to prevent it?

I’m sure he’s aware of shifting demographics and it’ll be too late for Republicans to regain full control of all branches to pack the court back in his lifetime if this happens.

The fact that we got a bunch of centrist establishment dems talking about packing the court is pretty amazing and makes me kind of hopeful and it’ll turn out people huge when ACA and Roe V Wade gets nuked.

It requires legislation and the GOP, even with laughable gerrymandering, is not likely to hold the House any time soon.

What Democrats should do is cut a deal to not pack the court, then do it anyway. They will never actually do this.


As Riverman pointed out is it requires legislation. That plus Dems just need to hold for like two terms and hopefully demographics will mean its super unlikely current Republicans can hold all three branches of government. Especially if they don’t have the supreme court to help them suppress the vote.

Pack the court, undo all the gerrymandering/voter suppression, and dems should have shit locked up for awhile and not have to worry about retaliation. Hopefully whoever replaces the GOP after that realizes why packing the court was justified. I think if we win, all the shit that comes out about Trump and russian help in 2016 it will show packing the court was completely justified.

And honestly like I said I doubt we can do it before 2022, but like I said I think two years of this 6-3 court making horrific rulings should strongly push democratic turnout. Like imagine the turnout in 2022 after Obamacare is nuked? Roe V Wade?

If shit works out the way I posted above this would be a huge blessing in disguise. Big if though.

I truly think, strategically, the GOP should not fill the seat.

If they win they can do whatever they want anyway. If they lose they’ve given permission for retribution. Even now, there are a TON of Democrats who aren’t ready to nuke the filibuster or really exercise their power as they should. If Mitch goes through with this he wakes the sleeping giant.

I remain convinced Mitch is not a master tactician, he’s just an evil bully who has run hot for a while. He has never shepherded legislation through, he has only obstructed.


Nah, Mitch is pretty damn good at what he does. Holding up Garland is one of the greatest power grabs of all time.


Yeah seems like it could be a huge mistake for the GOP unless they are absolutely certain dems wont pack the court somehow. They could go from having full control to losing it real quick.

Plus the type of shit this court is likely to do will be massively motivating to the left.

It only worked because Trump hit a gutshot. And as we’re seeing, the backlash could easily outweigh the benefit, in a pretty short amount of time. Not to mention the effect of his sleazeball tactics on the GOP brand. My generation will hate the GOP forever.

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There is one, a court guaranteed to be in their pocket for the election.

Yeah, it’ll turnout R’s though hard like 18 if people think a scotus seat is on the line. Which I think will cost dems a few points in the polls in south/traditional red states.

That’s just being an evil bully with no shame. Not repealing and replacing the ACA was a pretty massive fail on his part.

I dont think hes some but I also agree he isn’t some Brilliant politician. Hes just blessed with an electorate that doesn’t care about anything besides pissing off libs

i don’t buy that this is going to increase R turnout, these fucks were already turning out becauase the FUTURE OF THE REPUBLIC IS AT STAKE, ANTIFA MOBS, SOCIALIST BABY KILLERS