The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

That hadn’t occurred to me. Aren’t most of them so full of libhate and brownhate they’re way past caring about mere legality?

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It’s all just meaningless words to them. “Rule of law” means my law, my rules. “Fighting for power at all costs” means trying to fairly win elections with minorities voting.


Which in itself is a cheat code considering how fucked the rules of who gets senate seats are.

Montana and their 566,000 population get the same number of senators as California and its 35 million population?

Makes sense! Lets do this!

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tomato tomato

Just going to nit and say you mean Wyoming.

Montana has over a million people and is very likely to gain a second house seat in 2022.

Also California is closer to 40 million.

EDIT: Half of my pony is slow.


Yeha, ya know, one of those northern tundra states. I assume like 95% of the Montanan populaton lives in the Western third of the state where the mountain protect from the harshest weather that happens under the big sky.

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Portman coming out in favor of a vote. We have basically a 0.05% chance of finding 4 Republicans necessary to block the vote.

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So lets talk Amy Barrett, seeing as there is likely to be a vote sometime between now and January.

You guys are better at this than me. Who is she and how fucked are we?

She’s awful. This was posted before, but you and everyone else should read it if you haven’t.


She’s pretty terrible.

From above

Faced with two plausible readings of a law, fact, or precedent, Barrett always seems to choose the harsher, stingier interpretation. Can job applicants sue employers whose policies have a disproportionately deleterious impact on older people? Barrett said no. Should courts halt the deportation of an immigrant who faced torture at home? Barrett said no. Should they protect refugees denied asylum on the basis of xenophobic prejudice? Barrett said no. Should they shield prisoners from unjustified violence by correctional officers? Barrett said no. Should minors be allowed to terminate a pregnancy without telling their parents if a judge has found that they’re mature enough to make the decision? Barrett said no. Should women be permitted to obtain an abortion upon discovering a severe fetal abnormality? Barrett said no.

There is no question that, if confirmed, Barrett would cast the fifth vote to either hollow out Roe v. Wade or overturn it altogether. Similarly, there is no doubt that Barrett would dramatically expand the Second Amendment, invalidating gun control measures around the country. It’s quite possible, perhaps even likely, that within a year of her confirmation, Americans will be forbidden from terminating a pregnancy in 21 states—but permitted to purchase assault weapons and carry firearms in public in every state.

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I dont even need to know anything else about her other than the fact that trump and mitch want her to know were super duper fucked

Our only hope is winning the wh and Senate and then building on that lead in 2022 and packing the court. Maybe after the ACA gets nuked by the new court along with other obviously insane rulings we can pack the court.

If we can win the wh and Senate were still drawing very live to come out of this ok.

The real issue is this being close and getting kicked to a trumpy lower court where were drawing dead and its gg democracy

I’m wondering if the party holding the white house will ever gain ground in a midterm again.

Do you pay car insurance? They force that on you too. If uninsured people were left to die, then I’d probably agree with your point. But of course, they receive medical treatment when they are sick. They can’t afford to pay, so the cost of their treatment is passed on to those who do pay for medical insurance. The individual mandate was an attempt to get people to at least pay something for health care in the hope that premiums would be more reasonable for all of us.

As I’ve posted a bunch of times I think politics have changed forever because EVERYONE is on social media and because Trump has blasted it into everyones lives.

I mean before this the only time you heard about politics was by watching it on cable tv, hearing it on the radio, or talking about it in the office. Now everyone is hearing about it 24/7.

From my understanding what usually happens is when dems win the WH most tune out for 4 years, and when Republicans win the WH dems turn out in the midterms. Republican turnout is relatively stable.

But Republicans turned out in record numbers these midterms, dems just did more so.

I don’t think politics will go away from social media if Biden wins. Trumps crimes will be coming out for years, maybe decades, and a horrible supreme court making horrible decisions will drive big turnout in 2022.

go on Facebook, look up a random republican lawmaker, and read the comments

No thanks, I don’t do FB and with good reason.

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Their brains are so mush they think Dems want to do everything Trump is actually doing. Yet they will still support Trump having 3 terms, or 4 terms, because otherwise the dems will turn it into a dictatorship.

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anyway, it seems like the best strategy for republicans is to act like they’re trying to ram this thing through as fast as they can but actually drag this out as much as possible. Every minute this seat is empty is a minute that people aren’t talking about Trump’s leadership failures in every other area. Drive turnout, make it look like Susan Collins is holding everything up, then pull the trigger on November 4th…


The fundraising point is legit. Actblue has taken in $100 million in 38 hours.