The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

. [quote=“jman220, post:1481, topic:400, full:true”]
This was all the most likely outcome of Trump winning in 2016. We’ve run really good up until this point, as hard as it is to believe. We are nowhere near the spectrum of worst possible things that could have happenned over these four years on election night 2016. God only knows how close we came to total nuclear war with North Korea and/or China. I get it, it sucks that we made it all the way to September fucking 18th and still had hope that the Supreme Court wasn’t fucked for the rest of our lives, but that was always the most likely outcome. It is what it is at this point. We still have a chance to fade four more years of Trump. So these are things that are going ot happen, there is no way around it:

  1. The ACA is going to be struck down the week after the election. Millions will lose their health insurance and the insurance markets will collapse;
  2. Abortions will become functionally illegal in red states. Probably not in blue states;
  3. The commerce clause is about to become dead letter and Congress is about to lose all ability to pas any kind of social welfare legislation. This is probably the biggest impact to everyone’s every day lives that nobody realizes. Honestly I wouldn’t be shocked if this is the end of social security and Medicare/Medicaid.
    I’m with you here except for number 2. If you think the concept of federalism or anything in the Constitution will keep these ghouls from imposing their insane fundamentalist vision of the world on every liberal state you need to send me some of what you’re smoking.

That’s probably true to an extent but they’ll allow people to f*ck with them within the states. They already allow anti abortion people to pretend to be family planning facilities and knocked California down for trying to force them to state that they’re not.

Its really just an additional way to die in the street in USA#1. People are already getting murdered by police, caught in random mass shootings, etc.

Matty, I think you forgot to switch over the the SweetSummerChild account before posting.


Good news guys! If the pandemic keeps up, we can attend the re-education camps via Zoom


I’m not buying “this motivates voters.” Find me that person.

Not some idiot who was voting Trump all along but rants to a NYT reporter about how now she just has to vote Trump to protect the poor murdered babies. An actual live human being whose behavior will change because RBG died. I just dont see it. It feels like one of the many things bloviating beltway types thoughtlessly babble on about, with basically no support.

I don’t even understand what I’m suppose to be arguing. Oh ya guys I sincerely believe in Mitch McConnell’s principled stand on not nominating a Supreme Court justice in an election year. Mitch was right guys listen to this republican that I share the same beliefs with.

Well if nothing else it gets covid and the economy and the rest of Trumps failures out of the news which isn’t good.

But I could see some conservative types who were planning to vote for Biden go back to Trump because the supreme court pick not realizing Mitch is going to fill it anyways in the lame duck.

Then again I don’t think the ones who care about the supreme court are the ones who are switching, the ones who care about the supreme court are probably all super hardline Trump voters.

I do think it could motivate a lot of dems though, women especially, if its made clear Roe V Wade is going away along with a bunch of other women freedoms.

An empirical counterpoint is the immediate, massive spurring of donations to generic dem candidates. That is literally a change in behavior because RBG died. Other people may be people a fair bit farther left who were thinking about sitting it out rather than voting for Biden.

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If I ever get to use my ONE TIME DEALER it will be to get Biden in with the senate so I can dunk on deplorables who try to use the “RGB said the court should stay at 9 members whaaaaaa why won’t y’all honor her wishes dumbocrats are the REAL mysogynists” gambit in 5 months

on the other hand, I really don’t have any shortage of dunk opportunities now. trolling Marsha blackburn’s Facebook comments is like therapy

That’s why you just do it instead of campaigning on it. Do like Mitch, once you have power make up some BS reason how the other side forced your hand and call it a day.

Why Pete saying this didn’t really draw me to him even though I strongly agree… and were a non-factor after our ahem “policy disagreements.”

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Look, they can blame Dems all they want. But the bottom line is if Trump wins, the GOP has the Senate, the SC is 6-3, and 20 people are sharing a shitty apartment because 5 family members lost their SS check, another 5 can’t afford their diabetes or blood pressure medication, and 3 had to file bankruptcy because their health care was taken away, they are gonna start coming after the leopards eating faces party.

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The individual mandate was the goddamn stupidest bullshit ever, technocracy at its worst sprinkled in with gross corruption. A terrific political and policy disaster wrapped in one.

You are going to FORCE me by law to buy dogshit overpriced health insurance from these bloodsucking insurance companies??? Grrr, almost makes me want to retroactively join the Tea Party.


Seriously. Nothing like logging onto a website and spending like 10% of your annual income for a product you know is absolute dogshit, and knowing your deductible/copay will be another 10% of your annual income and STILL knowing you’re going bankrupt for sure if you actually get legit sick.

Fucking Democrats, man.


Speaking of abortion and women’s rights, I have a suggestion.

If you have daughters or wives of child bearing age who do not want to bear a child, I suggest making an appointment to get an IUD as soon as possible. They last 5 years and can be removed if you change your mind.

Also, buy a few Plan B pills.

Easy access to birth control is very much at risk.


Yeah IUD is a game changer.

I don’t know, we’re still drawing live to Chuck Grassley being unable to vote due to, something:

If u lost ur pet pidgin /it’s dead in front yard my Iowa farm JUST DISCOVERED here r identifiers Right leg Blue 2020/3089/AU2020/SHE ///LEFT LEG GREEN BAND NO PRINTED INFO. Sorry for bad news

— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) September 19, 2020


Trumpkins reading this like - damn right, we need to mobilize!