The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Yea Deplorable America thinks we can go back to 1950 and it’s like Leave It To Beaver again. Those silly libtards keep getting in the way.

But what they don’t yet realize is they are just as fucked as the people that they hate.

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Do you really think a court that rules the ACA as unconstitutional would ever let m4a by? Seriously?

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Right and then the GOP and Trump blame Democrats and then?

As I’ve mentioned it’s one of the things that drew me to his campaign early. It’s also a reason I’m made that he dropped out so soon. I wanted him making that point on a pared down debate stage.

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Unfortunately, democratic reform is boring and easily overlooked and hard for the layperson to really understand, especially when the first hour of every debate is spent on the same subject.

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the post was somewhat tongue in cheek

Yeah and basically prerequisite to accomplish everything else.

They can blame the Dems but with a 6-3 SC, a lot of people are gonna realize they are fucked. Like it was mentioned earlier, they gonna start killing the leopards.

Remember Biden can pardon any one for any reason

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I’m less confident they’ll figure out who to blame.


That all makes a lot of sense, but have you read Neil Gorsuch’s most recent book? It’s called LOL Fuck You, A Cheat Code.


Them killing social security is kind of a fantasy because we can’t think of any other way to win. They will do enough to be popular enough to keep winning while they keep putting children in cages and drilling oil and burning coal.

And yeah, the problem with the ACA was mostly the mandate.

A 6-3 court can easily strike down all forms of Medicare, not just M4A. Like I posted earlier we’re close to commerce clause becoming dead letter. If that happens that’s the end of the federal government’s ability to have any sort of social welfare programs.

The original ACA ruling was 5-4 upholding it as a tax because the other 4 wanted to rule the whole thing unconstitutional, particularly the individual mandate. If they want to rule the individual mandate unconstitutional they’re sure as shit going to rule a requirement that everyone get on Medicare to be unconstitutional. M4A never makes it through a 6-3 conservative court. I’m not confident that Roberts upholds M4A either, he only managed to uphold the individual mandate by classifying it as a tax.

More and more I think Dems should be the party of state rights. Cut federal taxes to like 3% and cut it to just defense basically. Let the states decide how much to tax and what to spend it on. Let Alabama have a state tax of 3% and crumble, let the blue states tax how they want and administer the programs they want, or pool together to do these things if they want.

When the red states go under and need a bailout we’ll make them sign right here before we give it and right here will be a few Constitutional amendments.


Obviously none of this matters because they will rule against it under LOLFU. That said, true single payer would not be a mandate, it would be a tax and then a program given. Nobody is required to go buy insurance.

Like hey guys, haha this is rich, remember that time the Democrats decided not to go for single payer because it was unreasonable and they didn’t want to be called socialists? So they compromised and then comprised with themselves a few times and passed a watered down conservative plan only to be called socialists anyway?

Then, and here’s the real hoot, it turned out the whole thing was unconstitutional anyway? Oops!

Turns out single payer is the only constitutional solution! Oh man those Democrats sure were silly.

Those were the good old days, huh? Man I miss those days, think they’ll ever let us out of camp? I heard Pelosi is going to write a very strongly worded letter!

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Don’t whisper so loud or we’ll get the urethral electrode again.

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In reality.

The series has been over for 2 years.