The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

This is what he whispers in all the dead girls’ ears.

ah f it no1 cares

Fuck Fuckms, reporting for duty.

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The three Rs mentioned plus a Covid death would also fade the 6-3. Seems pretty 2020.

Replace “the Republic” with “white rule”.

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I agree completely, although every additional nightmare accelerates things.

My last name be Fuckdman. aren’t we all.


It should be Fuck D’ Man.

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It’s your name so pronounce it how you want, but Fuck d(a) man who ponied me.

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i appreciate the activism, but we’re just fuckd, man.

LolLawBros arguing that Kavanaugh is going to save the ACA

One thing I really think these people believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, is that Dems will overturn 200 years of norms to start throwing tons of commie judges everywhere. Because as always they think everyone else is like they are.

It does explain a lot of their strategy in a simple way. I’m probably wrong and they’re being disingenuous, but talking to my relatives I really think they have fever dreams of antifa Democrats burning down their suburban houses which is basically the same kind of brain flaw.

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It took me several read throughs to come up with this, but I think he is saying that a dead pidgeon was very recently found on the front yard of his Iowa farm. On the right leg there is a blue tag with the markings “2020. 3089, AU2020, and she”. The left leg has a green tag with nothing on it. The honorable senator is sorry for bearing the bad news.

Or he had a stroke.



She was 76 when she was diagnosed with cancer for the second time. That was in 2009 when the Democrats controlled the Senate. Sounds like a great fucking time to retire.


Well we all hope it’s the one of those that minimizes both human and pigeon suffering.


The Democats still control the House.

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How long before they go with the Maduro model on the US House?

45 days

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